QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  HayHay, Lip Sync, Flexy, CE
  Date:  03/29/21
  AO:  Diablo Rojo

Note:  C- is roughly the average grade on the rolling Cousin Eddie/F3 Foothills/Nation History Quiz.  Been to Granite, Star, Devil’s Rope so far with 2 more stops in the next 20 hours at Evening Wood and Prison Break.  Guessing after those next 2 stops, the average is going to stay right where it is.  

Same format as before:  Exercises are provided on the perceived level of difficulty.  Get a question wrong = more reps than if you get it right.  Today was Burpees, HR Merkins, Squats, Bear Crawl, Sprint, and Lunges.  


  • Devil’s Rope men are fairly new to the F3 thing, so expectations were not super high.  
  • The resident rucker showed off some of his Brian cells with a few answers.  Interestingly enough though, they were mainly questions that pertained to his fellow ruckers.  Q found that interesting.  And yes, that’s not a typo:  he’s got no brain cells left, just Brian cells.
  • Not sure if the quiz will entice anyone to listen to F3 Podcasts, read Freed to Lead/Q Source, participate in Q Source, feel compelled to start something on their own accord, post to other AO’s outside of their normally scheduled ones, become more active within F3 Foothill’s SLT (Shared Leadership Team) or not, but that’s the point of this workout.  There’s so much going on outside of our little F3 bubble.  There are over 2500 AO’s in 170’ish regions across this country with men of all shades, beliefs, and shapes.  All of them trying to improve themselves and their communities.  From blood drives to Ainsley’s Angels to workouts at homeless shelters.  Something that we’re a part of.  Be proud of this.  I know that I am. 
  • See you tonight at EW.    



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