QIC:  Friar
  PAX:  Swinger, Snips, Spokes, Bismarck, Babyface, Twin
  Date:  03/27/2021
  AO:  The Den

Preamble of Greatness:

  • Four of us chose to prerun, ranging from 2-11 miles.
  • 3 of us chose to predrink the night before, ranging in various lagers.
  • 1 of us did things so dark that the imagination doesn’t dare go there. #Twinlife

The Warm-up To Greatness:

  • Body Destroyers
  • Stretch
  • Then such a flurry of warmup exercises that I dare not repeat for your own safety…obviously. 

The Greatness

  • We mosey out of HHS up a hill. We ran, walked lunge walked, bernied, up and down that hill like nobody’s business (this I can’t tell you what we did)
  • I will say we did some Merkins and Squats on top.
  • Go to a parking lot that was some kind of hybrid of 1970’s pave and gravel to do some groundwork.
  • Introduced a new one on the boys. Mountain Bikers (combo of mountain climbers and Freddy Mercury performed in 8-count cadence)
  • Also did some walk out Merkins and Plankees.
  • Mosey in various forms and functions to track.
  • It is here that we gathered together and sang some of our favorite show tunes and had a group hug. Pretty sure Snips cried a little on Babyface’s shoulder.
  • After this, we felt a need to work out Abs with some Weezys, WWII Sit-ups, LBC’s, and some other fun ab stuff.
  • Run up above stadium and walk and run down the track.
  • We likely stopped and picked flowers for our M’s. Not sure.
  • Made our way back to A/O.


Full disclosure, I spent the whole workout trying to figure out what to say. The word of the day was “Reputation.” It was at my saying this that Babyface pulled out his Tanglewood participation medal and shouted “REPRESENT!!!” We all threw up the obligatory F3 Selfie Gang Sign in response. I then resumed speaking on reputation and how it’s established in people’s minds it is hard to change it. Related it to Palm Sunday/Passion Week and how Christ never compromised His reputation/character despite the circumstances. 

We finished up by giggling like school girls, someone probably crop dusted the crowd, we giggled some more, decided to meet at Chick-fil-A, and prayed. 

Coffeeteria included: Snips, Twin (and his 2.0’s), Spokes, Babyface, and YHC. Our only regret was that we couldn’t stay for lunch. 

Editors Note: Some of this is true and some of this is completely out of my sick mind. I’ll let you figure it out. 

Have a nice day, Spokes. 



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