QIC:  Spokes, Bismarck, Babyface, Twin, PBR, Friar
  PAX:  Spokes, Bismarck, Babyface, Twin, PBR, Friar
  Date:  03/19/2021
  AO:  Infinity

With Audit still out for a bit a Group Q was in order.  As site Q I went through the normal disclaimer and led the warm up with Windmills, Humpies, Imperial Stormtroopers and Mountain Man Poopers.  We started off to the first pain station which happened to be about 20 paces from the AO just before the greenway crosses Powell Road.  1o Merkins OYO then continue mosey on the greenway for and stop at the bridge near Presbyterian Church for some squats.  Friar took the lead at this point as we turned onto Pennell St and then onto Meadowood Dr. then left up the two hills and head into Swingers neighborhood.  Stopping at Swingers driveway for Squats then up onto Swingers deck stairs for some calf raises.  There was mumble chatter of testing the security at his house as their appears to be security based on the sign in the yard but that could be the Blue pill, who knows.    After a selfie in front of his house Babyface took us to Meth (street name) Trinity United Methodist Church for some Freddy Mercuries and X-Factor.   There was mumble chatter about not getting off our wet backs until he was ready…Twin took the lead and led us to the corner of Pennell St & Seehorn St. for some Merkins and Dips on the curb.  Off to the Library and make a stop at the entrance to the Greenway for Merkins and Dips on the guardrail.  PBR took over at this point and we made our way down the Library hill on the Greenway and stopped at needle corner for some Merkins.  With a few minutes to spare it was Bismarck turn and we made our way back to the AO stopping for some squats.  PBR decided to impart wisdom along the way about eating yellow snow, etc.

Friar had the COT…he’s a preacher who watches some 90’s wrasslin’ and is quite fond of the Zach Gowen. Zach is a one-leg wrestler that does a Moonsault move which is a one legged stand back flip from the top rope and crushes his opponent.  The word was more than the fact that Friar watches 90’s wrestling which includes some old www.aol.com commercials but that this wrestler overcomes all odds.  Do we follow Rick Rigsby’s speech where he was  quoting Michelangelo, saying to us, “Boys, I won’t have a problem if you aim high and miss but I’m going to have a real issue if you aim low and hit.”  

Prayers for the Mortimer teams.  

Group Q out



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