QIC:  Babyface
  PAX:  Twin, PBR, Swinger, Bismark, Spokes
  Date:  03/16/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

Pulled up to a wet parking lot and saw Bismark running by, neon lights shining. These crazy fools will pre-run anything! All the usuals pulled in right before start up time and we got to it:

Warmup (x20, IC)

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Imperial Storm Troopers
  • Humpies
  • Windmills
  • Arm Circles (forward & reverse)

Moseyed away from AO. After a nice distance, found a bank drive-thru for some calf raises(x20, IC). Then, back off moseying towards the school up the hill and then back down near Stargate AO. Found a deserted side street(so I thought) and led some curb crawls.

Curb Crawl

  • Bear crawl from curb to curb, perform 10 derkins, duck walk back, 9 derkins, etc. until 1

Everyone really enjoyed the Derkins. From here, we moseyed straight up the hill to Hospice and ran another curb crawl set. After everyone was really feeling those Derkins, we moseyed to the church parking lot for the main event.

Stacked BLIMPS

  • 5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 imperials, 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks, 30 squats

Start with 5 burpees. Run up the stairs, through the parking lot, down the other set of stairs and back to start. Complete 5 burpees and then 10 lunges. Another lap. So on until we finish with 30 squats. 

Time was running short so a quick mosey back to the AO. Just enough time for a set of X-factors and finish up with 100s. Had to make sure everyone got their backs wet! COT and WORD to finish the day.


Everyone has anxiety. Make sure to talk to your support group when you face trials in your life. Your M, your F3 brothers, church family, whoever it may be. It helps to not go through your problems alone.


  • No rain in Lenoir, but tons in Granite Falls
  • I stole the Stacked BLIMPS workout from Banjo. Thanks!
  • Mortimer is this Friday. Good luck to all who are running it. Stay safe!

Babyface out! 



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