PAX:  Spokes, Twin
  Date:  022521
  AO:  Prison Break

My favorite cartoon growing up was Calvin and Hobbs.  They played a game called Calvin Ball.  The only rules were there are no rules and you cant play the same way twice.  This sounded much like most of my Q’s.  So I loaded up a bag with some equipment and got ready for my Q.


Starting off I threw and ball in the air and twin caught it so he got 25 blue points and we started to mosey.

Ran down a street and then Twin rolled the ball down the parking lot of doom.  He scored a score so we did some burpees.

Then we ran down another street and did something (I forgot)

We went up a hill then wrote some numbers with chalk on the sidewalk.  

No points where given for this.

Went to the courthouse and did some merkins and burpees in the squares.

Played the U betcha game and Twin hit the thing that looked like a bomb so we only did a few merkins.

Searched and searched and finally found a hill.   I pulled out my big deck and made up some rules for playing with it.

We ran, we merkined, we squated and threw paper airplanes.

Then the dinosaur drawing segment was started.  Spokes got a vote cause he draws like a 4 year old.

Since Spokes won the dino draw he got to roll the wonderful wiffle down the hill.  

We where now in overtime so we ran and maybe did something else but I dont think so.

We finished with some stepups and LBC just cause those make you look good.


Word of the day

Mark 12:30-31

30 Love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength

31 The second is this “Love your neighbor as yourself” There is no commandment greater then these



Never forget to play and have fun

Highlights from todays game

Twin can throw a frisbee

Spokes cant draw.

My Dino is living a good life

It is easy to get in a rut of not showing up

Spokes is efficient

Nobody ever shows up to a PBR Q.

Started my watch about 8 minutes late and still burned over 400 calories







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