QIC:  Swinger
  PAX:  Friar, Spokes, RX
  Date:  02/24/21
  AO:  Stargate

I pulled up parked and found 3 pax eagerly waiting to start.  it’s a little backwards here, so I share WOD first and prayers for cropduster who’s mother in law passed. 


“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:45‬ ‭NIV‬‬
it’s national heart health month, the verse seemed appropriate.  But also this Bible plan I’m studying (The heart of a warrior) had this to say… 

Just as wounded hearts wound other hearts, so a whole heart can help other hearts become whole as well. Ask God what wounds; hurtful moments where shame, guilt and fear were the packages delivered to my heart, are still unresolved in my heart? Because we need hearts stored up with good not bad.  Resolve those to God.  And then go and do good from the good that is stored up in you.  

hey where does all of the worlds data get stored up? Or a lot of it anyway? Let’s take a mosey and see… 

Head down Harper, Right Norwood (or parking lot corner cut), Rt Pennton (not 18 oops), left mulberry, right and pass through mulberry rec then the old lenoir mall then take google connector trail.

google, the answer  to earlier question was google

 Come out at google make right on Harrisburg, 5 milers head left RX head right (later reports to slack that dog on Jennings posed risk so he ran back down and took pennton home (note his Prerun combined gave him 6+ miles, awesome so he doesn’t get deemed slowpoker only maybe a joker for finding the stray dog?), the rest of 5 milers or clowns went left (Stealers wheel reference on slack, you had to be there) keep down 18 dodge traffic make right up Virginia, it’s a very steep hill, oh look friar and spokes are veering right away from the hill they must know a short cut hooray!!! Oh wait, nope it’s just more of Virginia that dirty b I mean hill.  Right on Harper, multiple checkins sent from a faster but concerned spokes back to swinger “are you good swinger” to which I lie and say “yes” and we continue left on west ave to post office (I may have taken a detour behind courthouse to catch those two sprinters and we meet again on Ashe Ave heading back to FUMC then left down boundary, left on college, from here those two clowns (again see earlier reference) discover my route wasn’t long enough so I followed them around St James and eventually Stargate was complete. 




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