How about a quick one since YHC is typing this BB on his phone… *sidenote / Doc has chosen to self quarantine since he and his M are expecting their first 2.0 in the next couple of weeks. YHC drives past Doc’s hood on my way to the Mount and […]
Twas a glorious morning with no rain and no freeze. But, Powder still showed with long johns. Some things never change. I believe this was the third Run N’ Gun which is a new thing we’re trying out at Howitzer. So far, I’d say it has been a success. The […]
Started at the AO the Central Advent Church for some warmups and mumble chatter. Next we moseyed to College Ave Baptist where the fun began. 10 side straddle hops, 10 mountain climbers, 10 squats, 10 merkins and 10 box cutters. The q assigned each one to lead one of these […]