QIC:  Twin
  PAX:  PBR, Twin(Q)
  Date:  02/16/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

Around 5pm yesterday the PAX started dropping like flies. Some had very valid excuses, others were pretty weak. So I knew this was going to be a small group. I pulled in at the usual 5:14, only to find PBR. I had a pretty good one lined up if we had a few people, but it was just the two of us(who’s singing that in your head now?). PBR suggested that we do a RAM workout since it was just the two of us(you’re welcome). In my head I was like…..man, here I am stuck running with PBR who – don’t let him fool you – is absolutely a runner. But I said yes, and we took off……..just the two of us.

The route consisted of more hills than I care to run, but I thought I would make RX, Bismarck, and Spokes proud by introducing PBR to Gwyn Mountain…..I mean Gwyn street. Man, that sucked. We ran by RXs place, then found ourselves running up beside Sonic. We ran past the AO and back to the old Lenoir Highschool to round out a 3 miler. We stopped a few times, just the two of us, for Merkins and Lt Dan’s. 

Topics of Conversation consisted of:

  • How much we love annual performance reviews when the boss you talk to 3 times a year has constructive feedback……psh
  • PBRs Hot Wife
  • Drinking Beer
  • PBRs sexy dad bod
  • Work stuff
  • Fax Machines
  • PBRs workout regiment
  • Our shared disgust of opening with SSH
  • How important Family time is
  • Broken Marriages 
  • How much we loved our women

And that turned into the WOD. Its a shame that so many people are giving up on their marriages and how many people live double lives. This has plagued me over the past several months. Men, we need to man up and be there for our wife and for our family. When we said “I do” in our vows, we said “I won’t” to a lot of other things. We laid down our lives in that moment and picked up a new life that is with the woman God blessed you with. Take care of her, love her, and cherish her.

Thanks for showing up, PBR! Good times, even if it was just the two of us.

Twin out! 



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