The Thing- Smurf Jacks, Windmills, and Little Arm Circles (All X15 IC).  Run-Take off out of the town square and take the “immediate” left. No that is not into the bathroom (Pump) and no that is not into the next parking lot (CrossStitch) but down 2nd St. We then went […]
This went down at The Mount – Not in this order, but it all happened 5                                                                Good Mornings 10                                                             Forward Lil Arm Circles 10                                                            Reverse Lil Arm Circles 10                                                            Windmill 10                                                           ATT 10                                                           Humpies 15                                                             Smurf Jacks 10 Parking Lot Spaces                              Bear Crawl 10 Park Lot Spaces                                    Lunge Walk 20 […]
13 HIM came out in the gloom for a Block Circuit, Q’ed by YHC. 8 gluttons for punishment showed up at 4:30 for pre-pre-run (thanks for the wake-up call Hay Hay) and a total of 10 for pre-run. As an aside, we have a few guys out right now due […]
We arrived to workout this morning.  It would have been much nicer to fartsack since it has rained the last week and finally stopped about 5:15am.  2 preran and at least 1 agreed to prerun but didn’t make it.  The parking lot was saturated and I think water continued to […]
Around 5pm yesterday the PAX started dropping like flies. Some had very valid excuses, others were pretty weak. So I knew this was going to be a small group. I pulled in at the usual 5:14, only to find PBR. I had a pretty good one lined up if we […]