QIC:  Babyface
  PAX:  Friar, Bismark, Spokes, Grout, Twin
  Date:  02/13/2021
  AO:  The Den

Pulled up to HHS(that’s Hibriten high, not Hickory high for all you across the bridge readers) on a very dreary morning. Light rain and about 33 degrees…perfect for a F3 workout. I saw Friar’s truck but no one else. Then in rolls Bismark and soon after…..a deputy Sheriff??? Apparently there was a report of people stuck in a ditch. At the high school parking lot that has no ditch? Anyways, he was just making sure everyone was good and then gave us the all clear to start up the workout. By then we had a few others show up for the fun. The Thang:

Warmup – SSHs, Imperial Stormtroopers, Humpies, Arm Circles

Set of 10 slow merkins IC to get us started. Then we were off. Mosey up the hill and around to the side wall of the school. Time for some wall work….

Wall workout(all in wall sit):

  • Muhammed Alis
  • Joe Fraziers
  • Bus Drivers
  • Push Up Bras
  • Penguins(not sure of the proper name. In wall sit, reach and touch you heel, then get the other. Makes you waddle like a penguin)

After the set of 20 each IC, recover and then straight into Itsy bitsy spiders, x20 IC. Time to mosey!

Off to the back corner of the school. Another set of the wall workout, this time x15 IC. After this time we hit 15 Australian Merkins. Mosey again…

Up the hill, behind the stadium to the winterized concession stand(bathrooms not available). Another wall set, this time x10 IC. At the end, we took it up a notch and did 10 Australian Merkins. Real crowd pleaser. And were off again!

Down around the back of stadium, loop onto track and most of a lap Bernie Sanders style. I had a plan for a couple of rings of fire, but time restraints got the best of us. So, one stadium snake up the bleachers and then back to AO. Pit stop to front entrance of HHS for some quick abs. A set of Asheville Abs and 100s, then we finished up.


WOD – We are blessed to have our great M’s in our lives to keep us in line and to help us make it through this crazy life. Appreciate them everyday, not just on V-day!



  • Friar was the sole pre-runner today in this nasty weather. Nice work!
  • Not really sure how you can be in a ditch in a parking lot….
  • Don’t send a card saying “Happy VD”. Could have the wrong meaning….
  • Friar needs to work harder

Special prayer for the family of the music minister from Lower Creek Baptist. He lost his battle with Covid over the weekend. Remember to be safe out there guys!


Babyface out!



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