QIC:  Friar
  PAX:  Spokes, Bismarck, and PBR
  Date:  02/12/21
  AO:  Infinity

Well, well, well, the Friar has returned to the backblast game. It’s been a while, but I believe I can whip up a little something, something so the pax can have some “throne time” reading. So here’s what happened to the best of my memory. Don’t believe me? Well, you shoulda got your sorry fart-sacking backside outta the bed and posted! Mid 30’s and you get to shower while working out and you decided to fart sack?!?! Anyways….

I begin my decent down the road on my run to the A/O. Nothing like a little prerun before the run. I make may way into the parking lot as Spokes is pulling in. So it appears it’s me, two near AARP members, and one probably already card carrying AARP member. Before anyone thinks I’m picking on their age, let’s remember they’re the eldest (sans Rx) in F3 Lenoir and they’re there. Maybe the saying “they don’t build them like they used to” is true! So, the four of us are ready to get it on in the rain. TWSS. 

No warmups.

We ran. Powell, Glenview, Pennwood, Ridgecrest, cross Lower Creek Drive to LCC. 

We performed several abs and leg exercises for the security cameras. Run around church and daycare. We admired the toys. Then…you guessed it…we ran. 

Lower Creek Drive, Wildwood, around a pickup that YHC feels fairly confident was aiming for us, take Woodbine, Hilton, back to Ridgecrest, Circle Drive, Glenview, cross Powell to Powell Circle, pass a quarantined Twin’s house, take Diamondhead and pass a quarantined Goodwill, back on Powell to Pennell, take greenway around corn field back to A/O. 

We still had 3:00 left, and we all know Friar does not end 3:00 early. Time for squats, forward lunges, reverse lunges, and calve raises. 

WOD: Love your wives as Christ loved the church. In a nut shell, love your Valentine, your wife, sacrificially. It’s hard but it’s right. 

Friar’s Final Thoughts:

The old guys aren’t really old, they’re just older and tough as nails. T-claps to them. Those guys push my sorry backside to be a better HIM in F3 and beyond. YHC will be glad to have our quarantined brothers back out and posting soon. Also, we need to push everyone to be ready for the “Charlie Babyface Griffin Honorary Fun Run in Tanglewood For A Cure For Something”. 




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