QIC:  Bismarck
  PAX:  Spokes, PBR, MedBall, Creamsicle
  Date:  02/11/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

So, Wednesday evening had some pent up energy that had to be burned (didn’t get the evening run in) sooner than later so with the PB being open for Q thought I’d volunteer for this great opportunity.  Twin confirmed and sent out the call for 144….for those at the group Q Tuesday this is what Spokes called out for HR during Bismarcks part.  Thursday morning rolls around and as finishing up from prerun PBR rolls in.  As we were talking had an unusual jeep show up and wondering if it was an FNG.  Turned out it was MedBall.  Great to have him there today.  Then Spokes came rolling in from his prerun and finally Creamsicle.  Was looking for as Spokes commented “our wingman” Swinger but he confessed later that the snowboarding from the night before took a toll on him.  Friar enjoyed his morning lifting weights but we’ll tell you actually burned more calories in 45 min than the hour/20 min lifting.  Just giving you a hard time guys.  

5:15 and gave the normal guidelines before starting along with hospital location for MedBall to know if needed.  No time for stretching so it was time to roll.  The target was constant 30 second run and then 45 second core, 30 second run and 45 second core, 30 second run and 45 second core….you get the picture….figure we did around 30 plus of these cycles (who was really counting) but varied from Merkins, Squat Jacks, Reverse Lunges, Big Boys, Step Ups, Wall Merkins, Hillbillies, Monkey Hump, Low Plank, Alternating Shoulder Taps and many others.  Rules again were no easy core (arm circles, body destroyers, etc) and no repeats.  Q picked many of the events and PAX each had opportunities to call out twice.  They always knew ahead so there was no stopping.  Great job to the group here.  We did venture from the normal downtown Lenoir area and added the Rail Trail.  Towards the end we did the Bismarck favorite of parking lot lines.  American Hammers to start…1st line do 1 (right/left) then move to next line, 2nd line do 2 then move to the next line and so on until we finished that parking area.  Went to the next larger parking lot and did the same thing but this time Big Boys….a Bismarck fav….we finished part of this round but had to work our way on to the AO being almost out of time.  Still had about 2 minutes at the AO so finished up with Protractors…..5, 45, 90 and 180….don’t we love the 180’s….

Word of the day….”NEVER”….work towards not using this word….my example to the group was growing up would always say….”when I get out of college I’m moving away from Lenoir, never working in furniture and no office job”….needless to say I’m in all 3 and with good/bad it has been a great ride so far.  So keep your options open.

Did the normal Name a Rama, announcements (Hedges for delivery and wood in Feb/Crawdads event getting worked out (2 monthly) correct me Medball if astray/Mortimer and some others but Alzheimers is hitting in and prayer requests.

As a side note really thought that Snips and Babyface were there today…..kept hearing a lot of chatter behind us….lol….group can speculate on who they may be….lol

Spokes did not on his part had 2.5 miles and a max heart rate shy of 142.

Sadly, heard rumors that Medball released my possible nickname to F3ers…..

Another BB complete so not ending with BIZ……

Be safe.




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