So, Wednesday evening had some pent up energy that had to be burned (didn’t get the evening run in) sooner than later so with the PB being open for Q thought I’d volunteer for this great opportunity.  Twin confirmed and sent out the call for 144….for those at the group […]
4 brave souls decided to venture out on this foggy, somewhat humid (early reminder for summer), and moist morning.  Other than being damp, the weather was nice with temps in the upper 40’s.  YHC rolled in just before 5:30 to see the other 3 PAX eagerly awaiting the beatdown. The […]
YHC made a plan last night that included use of certain publicly-available exercise equipment, but this morning proved too wet to safely engage said equipment. No Pull-up Burpees today. Improv time! Three PAX ready for the warm-up, so in cadence we do 20 Side-straddle Hops 10 Humpies 10 LAC’s 10 […]
A:  We all possess the same basketball skills Weather:  Nice.  Real nice, Clark.  45’ish Stuff: Warmups.  Lots of chatter.  Lots.  SSH, ATT, and Clamshells*. 8 Rounds of EMOM (every minute on the minute): 10 merkins 8 squats 6 burpees Line up for something stolen from Deuce:  Lt. Dans.   2 Lunges, […]
2 with a solid prerun around the beautiful, sometimes Skunk infested community of Bethlehem.    4 posted for what I will call KISS.  Keep It Simple AND Stupid…Usual wamups with good mumblechatter.  Some reminiscing about PAX of yesterday…Binary also Part Time..Man I miss that dudes comments,  1 classic was he […]