QIC:  Matlock VQ
  PAX:  Goldberg, Taterhole, Banjo, Twig, Udder Butter, Tammy Faye, Assid, Bogey
  Date:  02/04/2021
  AO:  Hurler

Matlock walks up for his Virgin Q and brought it big! He announces that this mornings workout will be themed, but we won’t find out what until we get to the site. (Roll doomsday music of your choice)

He dove right in with a impressively well rounded warm up all IC:

20 SSh

15 Shoulder Taps

15 LBC

20 Hillbilly’s

Mosey is announced and all PAX ramble onward to the GF Drugstore. Once all PAX arrive we circle up and Matlock announces that we will be battling COVID, F3 style. (queue theme music)

C – Theme begins with Chinook Squats with, you guessed it, 19 reps followed by the call to Merkinize it with 19 Merkins

O – Next PAX mosey to Huffy’s and knock out 10 Outlaws. Half to the left, half to the right (what’s half of 19 again…?) followed by the command to Merkinize it with 19 Merkins again.

V – Mosey onward to tennis courts, drop to our backs and grip the fence for V-ups (modified into toe taps on the fence over our heads) 19 reps followed by 19 more Merkinizers

I – Trot to Antique Coca Cola for Imperial Squat Walkers. (What the heck is that, I hear? Assume Imperial Storm Trooper pose and squat between each lift of the knee to the opposite elbow).  19 followed my 19 Merkinizers.

D – Mosey back to Huffy’s for Double Shot of Jacks ( nope not as fun as it sounds) Perform 1 SSH, drop to ground and perform a Plank Jack. (Matlock just effectively created a Side Straddle Burpie.) anyways, 19 of those followed by 19 more Merkinizers.

That not taking as long as a expected, we R&R’d the COVID in place replacing the Merkinizers with a lap around the building after each COVID exercise.

COT: Live with the Greatest Command as your filter. You can’t effectively make disciples if your actions and behavior are in direct defiance of scripture and Christ’s commands. 

All in all a rather enjoyable and inventive VQ! Well done Matlock.



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