QIC:  Babyface
  PAX:  Swinger, PBR, Twin, Bismark
  Date:  01/26/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

I was MIA last week due to some old-man-knee problems.(fun twist this time, my “good” knee was the one that went out) What better way to make a come back then Qing at Prison Break? I pulled up in pouring rain and as the PAX began to arrive, the rain basically stopped. Ground still soaked, but much better conditions. Time for the thing:

Warmup (x15, IC)

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Imperial Storm Troopers
  • Humpies
  • Arm Circles (forward & reverse)

Now off to show our support of the best meme around right now…Bernie! Mosey to a nice long hill in downtown. No mittens were included.

Burp Back Mountain

  • Bernie up the hill, Mosey back down
  • Partner up and AMRAP burpees while partner is running
  • 3 sets of those, then switch it up to Big Boys for another 3 sets

Back on the mosey to Stargate launch area. Time to work my other broken joint….

  • 10 Incline Merkins, IC
  • 10 Dips, IC
  • 10 Decline Merkins, IC

Rinse and repeat for good measure.

Time to move again. Found a wall to climb along with some 11s. Start with 1 merkin and 10 Australian Leg Lifts(think RBC, and then lift your butt off the ground). Scale the wall and come back down for next set. 2 and 9. Up the wall. Repeat until 10 and 1. Had to make sure we got wet on this beautiful morning.

Mosey back to AO and that was it for time.

COT: Ecclesiastes 7-9 Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.

Make sure to practice patience in all parts of your life, whether it is with your family, your friends, your work or even yourself. Patience is a true virtue we could all use more of, especially myself.


  • This crew needs more dips. Struggle was real for most of us once we hit these.
  • My knee held up during the workout…..we will see how tomorrow AM goes
  • Do not EVER call PBR’s sweet convertible a MG. It is a Jaguar.
  • Prayers out to Twin’s and Snips’ father
  • And prayers out to our brothers who couldn’t post

Babyface out!



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