QIC:  Banjo
  PAX:  Castaway, Miss kitty, Twig, Band Camp, Udder Butter, FNG(Doof), Jumpsuit, Taterhole, Bogey
  Date:  1/9/21
  AO:  300

 The 4:45 alarm goes off reminding you that you agreed to pre-run. So what’s the first thing we all do? We check the temp, except for those that hit the snooze and rollover. It is COLD!  Four intelligent HIMs got up for a five mile warm-up and find a lot of slick spots on the asphalt. YHC was concerned this would affect the planned workout but it didn’t. When 6:30 rolled around 10 PAX circled up for a Banjo led 300 that went something like this:

Warmup- It was your typical warmup and that’s exactly what everyone wanted(to warmup). X number of side-straddle hops, alternating toe-touches and humpies in cadence.


Workout- The PAX moseyed to the brick yard to grab some coupons to begin our quest to five stations.

  1. (coupon workout)20 overhead press in cadence and one lap around the island. 20 curls for girls in cadence and one lap around the island. 20 squats in cadence and one lap around the island. Mosey to the breezeway wall.
  2. (coupon workout)Wall-sit with 30 overhead press in cadence, 10 count itsy-bitsy spider in cadence. Wall-sit with 30 do-do birds in cadence, 10 count itsy-bitsy spider in cadence. Wall-sit with a mix of over-head clap and bus-drivers in cadence, 10 itsy-bitsy spiders in cadence. We finished at the wall with 10 Australian Mt. Climbers in cadence. Mosey to the office entrance.
  3. 10 to 1 merkin/squat ladder with squats x2. 40yd run in between the merkin/squat. Mosey in front of the cafeteria.
  4. At this location is spiral handicap ramps wit sturdy hand rails 60ft apart. We split the PAX into two groups of 5, one group at each rail and did a ladder starting with 2 and ending with 20(multiples of 2) of Stripper-Squats on the rails while lunge walking to the opposite side between sets. Mosey to the landing above the trade classes.
  5. (coupon workout)Get a partner. Partner one holds plank while partner two runs up the stairs and does hair burners using the coupons across the 150ft landing and back down the opposite side. Two sets each. Return the coupons and back to the flag.

Word of the day- Referenced from Acts 9:31

31. Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied.

It is so awesome to see how these men were filled with the Spirit and what the power of the Spirit enabled them to do with their faith. If we truly put God first, prayed together as a church(one-body)and went out into all the world to teach and spread the good news could you imagine. If we did this, we could take these locations in this verse that are in bold and could put our surrounding locations in there place. I wish I could say the churches in Granite Falls, Hickory, North Carolina and the world had peace and were built up morally and in faith.


Mole-skin- It was good to see our brother Miss Kitty who was able to come to the workout on light duty after his open heart surgery. It was also good to pray over a brother whose day and days to come are different then what he is use to.




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