QIC:  Twin
  PAX:  Bismarck, Friar, Swinger, PBR, Twin(Q)
  Date:  12/29/20
  AO:  Prison Break

Snips needed a Substi-Q, so I was happy to fill in for him. I had a hard time beating the fartsack this morning, so I was a couple minutes late. When I rolled up, the usual suspects were there and already started the warm-up. I hopped in on the Humpies and finished it out with ATT. 

We moseyed to the police station for some calf raises.

The Thang

We did a Route 66 routine. Every stop we completed Merkins, Lunges, and LBCs. Starting with a set of 11 and worked our way down to 1. I’m really terrible with road names, but decent at land marks. So here we go….

  • Left at Piccolo’s
  • Ran up behind the Church to Hospice
  • Down the hill and left at the intersection
  • Ran down past the other church and made a right towards the post office
  • Ran to the fire station and made a right back up the hill
  • Made a left at the second intersection and ran toward the upper parking lot of the banks
  • Ran up Davenport hill then around the school to the drug dealing parking lot
  • Ran down Davenport hill and then ran past the AO to the soccer fields at the old Lenoir Highschool
  • Ran back to the AO, then to Aiken Controls and back to the AO



Febreze – start with 2 Big Boys and 10 Air Press holding 6 inches. Then go up by 2’s on the BB and 10 on the Air Press until you reach 10 BB and 50 Air Press.


Psalm 34:4 – I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Sometimes life can get a little scary, but I’m thankful for verses like this that reminds me that I can call on the Lord and he will deliver me from these fears and anxieties.



  • Tclaps for Friar and Bismarck for running from their house to post. They will end up with 10ish miles this morning
  • We got in a little over 2 miles on this route
  • Friar makes a living making people cry, and uses the PAX to try out his new material
  • PBR is grossly over compensated for educating people how to reboot a computer



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