QIC:  Medball
  PAX:  HeiHei, Centerfold, Delivery, Dinghy, Smokey, Jake Brake, Pony, Lip Sync, Feeny, Umbro, Gump, Diamond Dave, Belding
  Date:  12/22/20
  AO:  The Station

0530- Disclaimer was given, Core principles reviewed, and FNG was introduced to the pax

Warm-up: SSH(10), Squats(5), Goof Balls(10), Sumo Squats(5), ATT’s(10), Burpees(10)

YHC introduced The Present (gift bag with mystery contents of moderate weight (~10#’s) and Walmart shopping bags). The Present would be carried throughout the workout by random pax. The Present could be set down by anyone, but it could not be left behind. The closest pax would be expected to pick it up and continue on the journey.

Let’s begin, in 12 Days of Christmas fashion (Don’t forget the present)

1 – Tony Hawk Burpee (Pad)

2- Star Jumps (Concordia)

3-Bobby Hurleys (Hass Orthodontics)

4-Smurf Jacks (5pts yard)

5-Deep Squats (Conover Gazebo)

6-Hillbillies (Flag pole)

7-Reverse Lunges (5pts gas station)

8-Peter Parkers (Old Drum’s restaurant parking lot)

9-American Hammers (Perfect Workout)

Extra: lap around Perfect Workout with a brief stop for monkey humpers

10-Merkins (Perfect Workout)

11-Crossfit sit-ups w. a Judy Chop…poor Cletus (Voting planters)

12-Pickle Pounders

WOD: Luke 2: 9-18; Matt 2:11 – This season is about praise and worshipping Jesus upon his arrival.  The world will distract us, stay focused for your own good and the good of your children.

COT: Prayers for the sick, and those that have lost; praises for babies on the way

Named the FNG: Umbro (former soccer ref)


-gift bags don’t hold up at F3 workouts

-the present was never left behind…however, it was also not left the way we found it

-a fully executed Tony Hawk burpee can be dangerous…gotta stick the landing

-you should never have a half-cocked Judy…it’s too dangerous for your neighbors that live in trailers

-at times you need to remind pax that a true pickle pounder should stop before concrete…some get excited and pay the price…some can never get to 12

Merry Christmas! Thankful for all my brothers w. 3 F’s.



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