QIC:  Spokes
  PAX:  Twin, Bismarck, Grout, Goodwill, Babyface
  Date:  12/19/20
  AO:  The Den

24F  Clear Skies  No Wind

Warm Up (IC)

SSH’s, Humpies, Hillbillies, LBAC’s, Merkins

1.2 Mile Mosey along paved trail from AO to 64/90 through WLMS including a stop to do some Squats, Air Chair (With Bus Drivers and Mohammad Ali’s).

Stop at HHS Stadium

Complete Stairway to Seven

  • At base of stadium stairs: One Burpee, one Incline Merkin
  • Run to top of Stadium perform One Squat
  • Run back to base of stadium stairs
  • Repeat increasing by One rep up to Seven

Mosey to AO

Ab Work – Flutters, Wheezy Jeffersons (arms up in the air), LBC’s (feet above your knees)

Super Body Destroyer (stretch toes to finger tips)

Overall we completed 2.04 miles and I showed 491 calories burned

COT – Make the time to chat/listen to your M.  Don’t talk just about your 2.0’s…


Spokes Out




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