2 Pax pre-pre ran…. and 3 pre-ran. The workout started with the disclaimer and then we jumped straight into the warmup. Warm-up:   15 SSH 10 SSH and 10 merkins ladder down to 1, alternating between SSH and squats. Workout: Mosey to the other side of the manufacturing plants where YHC […]
After getting two texts from Master Qs yesterday saying “You good for your Q tomorrow?” I started trying to figure out which Q I was going to take (ER or EW???) Since I had just stepped in on the Q last week at EW I figured I would try and […]
24F  Clear Skies  No Wind Warm Up (IC) SSH’s, Humpies, Hillbillies, LBAC’s, Merkins 1.2 Mile Mosey along paved trail from AO to 64/90 through WLMS including a stop to do some Squats, Air Chair (With Bus Drivers and Mohammad Ali’s). Stop at HHS Stadium Complete Stairway to Seven At base […]