QIC:  Snorkel
  PAX:  Biscuits, Doc McStuffins, Doughboy, Dragonfly, Flex Seal, Has Been, Patti Mayo, Short Sale, Snorkel
  Date:  12/15/2020
  AO:  The Mount

5:30am came quick as fellow PAX’ers arrived with smiles and bells and gloves and stocking caps and, I’m guessing, a few layers! It was a soothing 27 degrees upon arrival under an Earth-shattering star-lit sky one can look at and get lost in wonder and amazement. We started with a traditional warm-up of Side Straddle Hops, Alternating Toe Touches, Humpies, Little Arm Circles and Reverse Little Arm Circles. We then mosey’d over to the block pile and carried to the retirement home parking lot. The Thang was the MOUNT, consisting of Merkins, Overhead press, Up and Overs, Nose Curls and Tricep pulls. We started with 20 reps of each exercise with a .1 mile lap after each exercise. We then dropped by 5 three more times. We completed a total 20 laps for a grand total of 2 miles, which is why I dubbed this workout as such. We carried the blocks back to the pile and arrived back at the flag at exactly 6:15am. I took a different approach to the WOD as more of a challenge of the day. We are all a part of something larger in this life. We all have a lot going on, especially this time of year. My challenge to the group was to do something nice for someone else. Go out of your way to say hello with a smile. Buy someone a cup of coffee; maybe even a sandwich. Simply asking someone how they are and how their day is may be the single most important thing they hear today. We never know what someone is going through at any given moment. Your simple act of encouragement may allow them to see a light they hadn’t seen in some time. Don’t be afraid to be someone’s light; they may need it more than ever!



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