QIC:  Goldberg
  PAX:  Ms Kitty, Karen, Funyun, RX, Flex Seal, Squints, Darla, Sheamus, Snips, Creamsicle, Twig, Short Sale, Bismark, Baby Face, Twin, Spokes, Friar, Castaway, Banjo, Publix, Diamond Dave, Bogey, Kleenex, Belding, Centerfold, Tramp Stamp, Jumpsuit, Udderbutter, Bella
  Date:  11/26/2020
  AO:  Hurler

30 PAX descended on the sleepy village of Granite Falls in the 7 am gloom to get better, fellowship, and build a caloric deficit prior to endulging in the festivities to come. They were met by 4 pre-runners (Squints, Darla, Tramp Stamp, and Goldberg) just returning from a 3 mile jaunt through the neighborhoods. Weather was foggy and a balmy 54 degrees which didn’t stop quite a few from bundling up in their winter’s best (Kleenex, Baby Face).

At 7 sharp, the Disclaimer began with the new addition of our illustious governor’s mask mandate. Mask up or spread 6 feet even when exercising outdoors. YHC introduced the double-arm-interval to ensure quick verification of approximately 6 feet.

—-Warm up—-

  • SSH at increasing pace – 20 IC
  • Hillbillies – 15 IC
  • Flutter kick – 15 IC
  • J-Lo – 15 IC
  • Merkin – 10 4 count IC
  • Burpies – 5 OYO

—-Mosey to 1st AO —-

QIC – Tramp Stamp

Q announces exercise: 10 Merkins, 6 Jump Squats, 4 Burpies every minute on the minute

  • 1st minute – mumble chatter
  • 2nd minute – less mumble chatter
  • 3rd minute – groans begin
  • 4th minute – realization kicks in
  • 5th – 10th minutes – short bursts of muttering interspersed with copious amounts of gasping

—-Mosey to 2nd AO—-

QIC – Kleenex

PAX form into three lines. Last PAX “Indian Bear Crawls” to front of line while remaining PAX perform core exercises that change every 30 seconds

  • ABCs (Spell your F3 Name)
  • Dying Cockroach
  • Boxcutters
  • RBCs
  • Table Top Lifts
  • Pretzels
  • Protractors
  • Freddie Mercurys
  • American Hammers
  • Xs and Os
  • LBCs

Partner up for 20 meters of wheelbarrow carry per partner

Finish up with plank around the Clock

—-Mosey to 3rd AO—-

QIC – Udder Butter

PAX align into 4 rows, Q calls out exercises per row:

  • 1st row – Mike Tysons
  • 2nd row – Smurf Jacks
  • 3rd row – Rope Climbs
  • 4th row – Coupon leg press

1st PAX per row runs around Flick Video while all other PAX perform exercises by row. Once PAX completes run, that PAX moves to the next row and begins exercise. When PAX enter new row, next PAX starts to run around building. Confusing at start, but Foothills PAX are smarter than the average bear and caught on quickly.

DISCLAIMER: I swear to you all that this parking lot was not freshly sealed when we planned this. As Murphy would have it, they applied fresh sealant on Tuesday for our enjoyment it would seem.

—-Mosey to 4th AO—-

QIC – Banjo

Deconstructed Burpies:

  • 10ea – Squats, Merkins, Groiners, Bobby Hurleys
  • 9 ea – Squats, Merkins, Groiners, Bobby Hurleys
  • 8 ea – Squats, Merkins, Groiners, Bobby Hurleys
  • 7 ea – Squats, Merkins, Groiners, Bobby Hurleys
  • 6 ea – Squats, Merkins, Groiners, Bobby Hurleys
  • 5 ea – Squats, Merkins, Groiners, Bobby Hurleys
  • 4 ea – Squats, Merkins, Groiners, Bobby Hurleys

The pace was blistering, they were all in cadence with no rest. Banjo never missed a beat – dude’s superhuman

—-Mosey to 5th AO—-

QIC – Twig

4 Corners with Merkins in the middle:

  • Start in Center – 10 Merkins
  • Corner 1 – 10 LBCs
  • Back to Center – 10 Merkins
  • Corner 2 – 10 American Hammers
  • Back to Center – 10 Merkins
  • Corner 3 – 10 RBCs
  • Back to Center – 10 Merkins
  • Corner 4 – 10 Kaitlin Jenners (Twig’s favorite, I think he’s secretly a fan)
  • Back to Center – 10 Merkins

Move to the wall:

  • Assume the People’s Chair
  • Mohammed Ali – 10 IC
  • Joe Frasier – 10 IC
  • Ken Norton – 10 IC
  • Itsy Bitsy Spider – 10 IC
  • Back to People’s Chair
  • Chinook – 10 IC
  • Wonder Bra – 10 IC
  • Little Arm Circles – 10 IC
  • Itsy Bitsy Spider -10 IC

—-Mosey to start—-

Surprisingly we had no FNG’s so we jumped staright into the WOD:

1st Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

I’ve been all over this rock we call Earth and I can truly say, there is no place like America. She exists alone and the freedoms and benefits we enjoy are taken for granted daily, myself included. Much of the world exists without reliable electricity, heat or A/C, refrigeration, clean running water, toilets! Be thankful for what we have, teach your 2.0s what they enjoy and that it isn’t the norm in our world. Be thankful for everything, ups as well as the downs. Search out the silver lining and thank God for providing it all. There’s alot of uncertainty and chaos around us these days and I can honestly say that I am thankful to weather it all shoulder to shoulder with each and every one of you. I hope everyone can enjoy a safe and happy Thanksgiving. God bless you all.


11/28/20 – 6am, Mount Olive Lutheran. Come partake in the Thanksgiving Massacre. Save a turkey and murder a bunny, a whole mile of them in fact!

12//4/20 – 6pm, Weenie Roast at Twig’s – bring the family and roast some hotdogs, fellowship around a bonfire, eat, and play. RSVP at 828-244-4122

12/5/20 – 6:30, Regional Christmas Party – Blowing Rock Brewery – Bring the M and let her put faces to all the crazy names she keeps hearing you talk about

12/12/20 – 6pm, Union Square – Come support Ainsley’s Angels. We will be wrapping the wheelchairs in lights and running while pushing disabled kids around to see the Christmas lights. You’re gonna run anyway, why not do it for someone else? It’s a great cause and who knows, you might even find a purpose to your running…

Stats :

  • 2.3 miles
  • 219 Merkins
  • 45 Burpies
  • Tons of fun




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