QIC:  Diamond Dave
  PAX:  Swanson, Flex Seal, Lip Sync
  Date:  11/16/2020
  AO:  Diablo Rojo

Diablo – 11/16/20


PAXS – Flexseal, Swanson, Lipsync, Diamond Dave

Warm UP:

Side Straddle Hops  x 20

Little Baby Arm Circles – x 10 (each way)

ATT x 10

Good Mornings x 10


The Thing: The Card Game

The PAXS  completed each exercise and ran a lap before each exercise.  Exercises were chosen randomly by each PAX pulling a card from the deck and completing the exercise on the card.

¼ mile -25 Squats

½ mile – 25 American Hammer

2/3 mile – 25 Shoulder Taps

¼ mile – 17 monkey humpers

½ mile – 18  Apollo Ono’s

2/3 mile – 50 yard bear crawl

¼ mile run back to the flag

The Cool Down:

LBC x 17

Merkins x 18

Freddie Mercury x 25

Smurf Jack x 25

Dips x 25


2 Corinthians 4:17-18

For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long.  Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!  So, we don’t look at the troubles we can see now, rather, we fix our gaze on the things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone.  But the things we cannot see will last forever.


Thanksgiving Massacre- 11/28/20




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