QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  Dragonfly, Flex Seal, Pantsed Swanson, Belding, Cousin Eddie
  Date:  11/09/20
  AO:  Diablo Rojo

That title reminds me of an old non PC Spanish class joke:  What do you call 4 Latinos drowning?  Cuatro Cinco.  

Anyway, here goes.  Weather – Just the slightest bit of chill.  Close to perfect.  Or in terms of number of layers Tooth Fairy would be wearing this glorious morn:  3 + a wool hat 

Thang:  One pre runner this am – Pantsed Swanson.  Why Pantsed?  Because this Swanson is always in sweatpants.  Pretty simple really.  2 post runners to also note:  Flex & DF.  Note:  the fact that 2 dudes decided that they needed to run AFTER my Q does not bode well for a man’s “My Q just kicked your ass” ego.  Thanks for bringing that to my attention, Pumpernickle.    

Warmups:  standard, which now includes Jane Fondas

Mosey one lap around the old courthouse.  

Tricep dips

Incline Merkins

Step Ups

Decline Merkins all IC x 10

Mosey down to water tower street.  One of my favorite calls to make was stolen from Kapowski a while ago:  1 pax calls an exercise for everyone else to do while you go off and do something else.  It’s a true test of someone’s inner character.  Are you the type that wants to watch your brothers kill themselves & call Double Merkin Burpees, Man Makers, or even just plain ole terrible Burpees or do you call LBCs, Squats, etc. to give your brothers a rest while you go off and do work?  My inner A’hole always wants to come out and punish the rest of the pax every time.  Belding goes first & calls burpees.  Good move, I think to myself.  Belding’s a nice fella & all, but he’s definitely got S&M/Pour some Hot Candlewax on the Nips look in his eye.  Flex goes with Monkey Humpers (good call….I’m firing up the ole Nip Candles for you too).  DF calls Jump Squats & Swanson goes with LBCs.  What can I say?  Those dudes are super nice so those calls are no surprise.  And I’m cool with that too, they just don’t get the Hot Nip treatment.  We went another round.  Everyone turned nice and thus ended that round. 

Next up was a partner’esque workout.  P1 runs backwards up the hill, P2 does 10 squats and proceeds to chase down P1.  Once you tag P1 (not an actual tag, you Covidite) switch and you run backwards up the hill.  All the way up back up to downtown square. 

Bear crawl from one curb to the other, 10 merkins, crawl bear back, 10 merkins x2

Block Blimp.  4 stops around the courthouse.  5 burpees x 4, 10 lunges x4, 15 ISS x4, 2o Merkins x 4…..times up.  Didn’t finish it out.  We’ll get it done next time. 


  • still get a bit nervous when I have a guest Q.  This one was done without a winkie too.  Maybe I’ve turned a corner?  But probably not. 
  • this was possibly one of a small handful (guessing 5 total) of non-running Q’s when I didn’t use a block, brick, or sand baby.  Felt weird, but we made it through.
  • There are hills in Newton.  They aren’t massive, but they’re out there in almost every direction
  • I farted during bear crawls and it fogged up the street with hot garbage.   That made my morning.  
  • Flex Seal took off like a bat out of hades during the Block Blimps.  Dude even had Belding dead to rights for at least the first lap.  
  • but maybe that’s b/c Belding pre ran from Charlotte?  
  • best shovel flag in the Foothills?  Diablo Rojo
  • Phlegm infamously called that AO:  Devil’s Rope. 
  • $1 says he took French in high school
  • and another $1 says he took French 201 in college so he could wear a beret and smoke extra long cigarettes on the quad
  • Hat’s off to Flex Seal and Dragonfly for HC’ing for South Mtn marathon. 
  • We just wrapped up a SLT (Shared Leadership Team) meeting for our region.  This has nothing to do w/ the workout this am, but I’m super pumped about what these guys are planning for you.  Every single one is pumped to help and it shows.  Be on the lookout for them, will you? 
  • And if you wanna help, let them know. 
  • Now
  • Out

Love yall,





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