QIC:  Diamond Dave, Medball, Good Hands, Coin Biscuit, Centerfold, Gump, Needles, Jake Brake, Hay Hay, Smokey, Belding, Lip Sync, Dinghy, Thin Mint
  PAX:  Diamond Dave, Medball, Good Hands, Coin Biscuit, Centerfold, Gump, Needles, Jake Brake, Hay Hay, Smokey, Belding, Lip Sync, Dinghy, Thin Mint, Cold Dog, Ferdinand, Pumpernickle, Peaches, HBC, Cousin Eddie, Flamer, FNG FLASH. If I missed someone let me know.
  Date:  10/25/2020
  AO:  The Station

• October 23,24,25 fifteen HIMS from F3 Conover Station were called to Mount Sinai Baptist Church in Catawba, NC for a fundraising event named, “36 Hours Of Joy.” This event was to raise funds for the church’s vision to build a community youth center, where kids will be able to gather, grow, and learn all in a Christian based environment.

• The 15 HIMS set out originally to run 350 miles and to have a minimum of 1 Conover Station F3 HIM on the 1-mile course at all times. In order to attain the goal, we divided the PAX into two platoons/teams. Team 1 was named the Dolphins and comprised of Diamond Dave, Medball, Good Hands, Coin Biscuit, Centerfold, Gump, and Needles. Team 2 was named the Daffodils and comprised of Jake Brake, Hay Hay, Smokey, Belding, Lip Sync, Dinghy, Thin Mint, and Cold Dog.

• Dividing the two teams up made carrying the load easier, but as you can imagine it created some friendly competition between the pax. Sparking some very entertaining comments and smack talking in the weeks prior to the run. If you know the group, then you know we have some professional smack talkers. ie: Centerfold: Just put me on Belding’s team so I can pick up his slack.” That comment started it all, and we are certain that without that jab, Belding doesn’t run 70 miles! WOW!!

• In the end, and with/by God’s grace, the men of Conover Station F3 crushed the original goal of 350 miles, and logged a total of 624 miles. The Daffodils had a total of 354 miles, and the Dolphins had a total of 270 miles. It was a glorious ending with a tearful podium presentation for the Daffodils. Accepting our medals while our anthem played, “Centerfold,” by the Jay Geils band(google it young bucks). Ok, might have embellished that last part.

• When “36 Hours Of Joy” was originally birthed on July 29th, 2020 in some random group text messaging among the PAX, the goal was set to originally raise a lofty $10,000 for the church. Brief comment here on a life lesson learned, “NEVER PUT A LIMIT ON WHAT THE SKY Q WILL DO WHEN HE CALLS YOU.” Well, that goal got more than tripled, and $34,000 was raised for the cause. We are in awe at God’s amazing gift.

• God truly blessed the church/us/event with an amazing financial gift. However, God was at work in this event in ways far LARGER than just a check. “36 Hours Of Joy,” it was about unity among people of all races. It was about hearts filled with love for each other. It was about believing in each other, and witnessing first hand how God wants us to live and love. Each F3 man, and their M and 2.0’s will never forget how this church embraced us and loved us. Also, as the miles logged grew to unbelievable numbers, and the dollar amount being raised grew to unexpected numbers, we will never forget how walls crumbled, doubts were tuned into belief/trust, and hearts united. WE ARE ALL ONE PEOPLE, GOD’S PEOPLE!!

• The weekend wasn’t without deep and meaningful conversation. No way you can put that many men together, for that long, and not have some intelligent conversations. We now know how and agree that when making a banana sandwich the banana’s are to be cut in wheels, not sliced longways. If Hay Hay is ever at your house, he’s gonna intentionally put the toilet paper roll on the holder backward. However, have no fear, Centerfold will come behind him and put it on hanging frontwards. Why does JB run with his shirt tucked in? How did warm chicken broth bring my worn-out legs back to life?

• Of course we can’t leave out Coin Biscuit making friends with several neighbors along the mile route and joining in cocktail hour. Of all God moments this weekend, this one was one just for Coin. We will call it the Wu-Tang moment. Yes, the house had many political signs, and one that said, “Wu-Tang Forever.” Coin enjoyed a few beverages while taking the opportunity to witness and sow some good seeds. The guy is gifted in how he loves others. We may never know the full impact of your time spent with them, but we know it was impactful, and you may have just changed/saved some hearts bro.

• FNG! We have to make mention of a special kiddo from the church named Desmond., age 8. This fellow was more than excited about running. He put in 17 miles! WOW!! He exhausted his entire family while they tried to keep up. The kid has some serious wheels going too. He is fast. At the church service on Sunday morning, the Station guys brought this young runner into our group and he will forever be known in the F3 world and his church as, “Flash.”

• Here are some randoms from the weekend, in no particular order:
• Belding is now also known as, “Shut Up.” Belding: “Let’s go another lap.” Everyone else: “shut up.” Also, if ya want this guy to accomplish the unbelievable, give him a 48-hour old cup of java, and get out of his way.
• Sharon, her goal was 10k. She did 8 miles. She kept pushing. She encouraged and inspired everyone. When she came in carrying the cross. Wow! What a moment.
• And speaking of the Cross. Coin made a big cross that got carried by all and signed by all. Very inspirational bro. Also, we carried a smaller cross that Belding made that was easier to hold while running. The impact of carrying the cross can’t be denied. It was emotional laps when carrying them.
• Smokey and his conversation with Pastor Gray concerning law enforcement. So impactful.
• Tony Mullen and the Ainsley’s Angels riders and walkers. Tony did 28 miles, with an injury that is still on the mend. This man and this group are amazing. Please look them up and learn more about what they do and become an Angel runner.
• The two barking dogs at the top of the hill and how the one’s bark sounded like Smokey’s cadence.
• The now infamous Pimp Walk. Someone, please get this in the Lexicon. F3 defined as the way a man has to walk due to soreness/stiffness of everything from the waist down due to the many many miles of running. We all had “the walk.”
• Lip Sync: Mile 4, “This route really isn’t that bad.” Lip Sync Mile 20: “Who’s the guy that said the route isn’t that bad?”
• Glow Sticks floating away due to the pouring rain.
• The town of Catawba supporting us throughout the entire planning. Especially the Mayor. They helped make this happen as much as anyone.
• Massive shoutout to the other area F3 HIMS that participated. Y’all showed up in a massive way. Your encouragement and support means everything.
• Cousin Eddie, thank you for breakfast Saturday morning, and fyi, the salty ham was da bomb. Just what many of our sodium depleted bodies needed.
• Peter West your love, support, encouragement, and participation was the best. Thank you for all your help. Also, your message Sunday morning was amazing, and we all thank you for your courage and how you lead with such grace. God Bless friend.
• Pastor Gray you are a visionary, my friend. You inspire, lead, teach, love, guide, and you walk in God’s favor. It was an honor doing this for you and the loving hearts in Mount Sinai Baptist Church. Thank you for all you do, and the grace with which you lead.
• Thank you to the loving congratulation of Mount Sinai Baptist Church. Y’all blessed us in the most amazing heartwarming ways. WE LOVE YOU ALL!! #CHURCHFAMILYFOREVER

Closing comments,

This day in 1873 a farmer named Joseph Gidden patented of all things, barbed wire.
Have you ever walked across a field or wooded area and came across a barbed-wire fence? You could stop, end the journey, and never experience what’s on the other side. Or, you navigate the painful barbs to see what lies ahead. Life my friends is about challenges(CSAUPs too); we can choose to stay comfortable behind the fence, or we can endure the pain to see what lies ahead.

This weekend an unsuspecting group of regular Joe’s stepped across the barbed wire fence, TOGETHER, and by God’s amazing grace alone became true HIMS. On the other side of the fence, we found true JOY in fitness, fellowship, and faith. We found the glue that exists in that third F. We discovered how effortless planning can be when tasks are SHARED among Leaders. We learned how adversity and hardship create TRUST. We learned about how inner STRENGTH can be transferred from one man to another by each man’s complete and utter refusal to not give up or stop. We learned about the POWER of not leaving anyone behind, or on the course alone regardless of how miserable the conditions were. We learned about how a man’s eyes can speak words of PERSEVERANCE and DETERMINATION more than his spoken words during those moments of extreme difficulty and pain. And as we read in Proverbs, we learned; “A FRIEND LOVES AT ALL TIMES, AND A BROTHER IS BORN FOR A TIME OF ADVERSITY.”

This weekend was a gift from the Sky Q in every way you can think of. Us a gift to the church. The church a gift to us. The Station men, gifts to each other. Long live the memories and lessons gained from this weekend. Long live the Station and F3!

Your brother in CSAUP,
Jake Brake

PS. So I’ve been kicking around this idea. What do y’all think of………



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