QIC:  Belding
  PAX:  Belding, HayHay, Centerfold, Medball, Jake Break, Thin Mint, Lip Sync, Gump, Good Hands, Diamond Dave, Delivery, Smokey (FNG)
  Date:  09/29/2020
  AO:  The Station

The station pax have started a new tradition.  Due to some HIMs completing the “75 Hard” challenge we have started pre-pre-running so they can get their two 45 minute workouts in for the day.  Check out the challenge if you are interested.  

Pre-Pre Run started at 4:40 AM with 9 PAx posting (2 mile-ish run)

Doubled back for the Pre-Run group at 5:00 AM and added 2 more PAX.  Total 11 (that’s good math), for a 3-mile run.

YHC got back to the pad and gave the one-minute warning, 30-second warning, and jumped straight into the mission and disclaimer. (12 PAX were in attendance for the beatdown).  


Imperial Storm Troopers – 10 (IC)     

Failure to Launch – 10 (IC) –  Several PAX reminded YHC that this was just the warm-up.

Hand Release Merkins – 10 (IC)

Deep Squats – 10 (IC)

Burpees – 9 (OYO)  Total of 49 reps!

Mosey to the parking lot.  PAX were instructed to bear crawl 20 lines, high knee back to the start 20 lines, and then complete a merkin at 9 additional lines (49 lines were touched).

Mosey to the library.  On the way one PAX stated that YHC only liked easy things and then immediately recanted this statement.  YHC asked the Diamond Dave (DD) what are ten things that he is thankful for.  Oh, did I mention today is Diamond Dave’s 49th birthday?  You’ll see a theme soon.  DD mentioned F3 in his top 10 list!  Once we arrived at the Library PAX completed 10 Australian Mountain Climbers in cadence. For those of you that don’t know, Australian Mountain Climbers should always be done in cadence.  If you want to know why ask PLANK.  This was a real crowd pleaser!  Thanks, Plank for introducing these at Diablo.  Then we complete 10 mountain climbers in-cadence, 10 plank knee taps in-cadence (thanks Swanson for introducing this exercise at Diablo), 10 hand-release merkins (OYO), and 9 burpees (OYO).  You guessed it, 49 total.  

Next, we moseyed to the rock pit.  Centerfold picked up the six.  Several PAX encouraged the new FNG that this wasn’t normal, but not sure what normal looks like at a beatdown at 5:30 in the morning.  I will get clarification next week.  At the rock pit, everyone selected a two-handed rock and PAX completed the following:  10 Curls in-cadence, 10 OHP in-cadence, 10 skull crushers in-cadence, 10 curl-to-OHP-skull crushers, 9 hand-release merkins.  Rocks were thrust back into the pit until next time.  

The group moseyed to the amphitheater, where big things always happen.  Upon arrival we noticed a man sleeping on the stage under the amphitheater.  YHC proceeded with the workout in a whisper to respect his slumber.  PAX completed 10 step-ups total, 10 incline merkins in-cadence, 10 squats, 10 big boy sit-ups, and 9 burpees.  This was then put on repeat 3 additional times OYO as the PAX proceed up the 3 stair steps on the lawn.  Yes, 4 total rounds of this combo.  Plank for the six.  Mumble chatter was at a minimum at this point.  YHC asked Gump to sing Happy Birthday to Diamond Dave and he gave a nice Maria Carey–ish version of Happy Birthday.  Very inspirational and quite touching, then someone farted. 

Anywho.  We all moseyed back to the pad and completed a quick Mary which included:

10-pickle humpers (IC)

10- Freddy Mercuries (IC)

10- AM Hammers (IC)

10- Flutter Kicks (IC)

9- Box Cutters (IC)

49 count high plank

49 count low plans

49 push-ups ALL TOGETHER!!  Happy Birthday, Diamond Dave!

Count-a-rama…..Name-a-rama….. Named new FNG…. there were some classic names that surfaced as we named Kelly Stewart….. Smokey is the name stuck from Smokey and the Bandits.  Welcome to F3 Smokey!

Word of the day focused on the ‘underdog.’  You might be in a situation where you feel like you are the ‘underdog’ or you might see someone else in close proximity to you that is an ‘underdog.’  If so, see this as an opportunity.  An opportunity to ACT, an opportunity to work harder, an opportunity to support someone else, and get after it!! In the end, you will be blessed!!!

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  “36 Hours of Joy” will take place on October 23-25.  If you want to know more about it check out and FOLLOW the Facebook page @36HoursofJoy and the twitter page @36Hoursof.  Also, click on this link to see the pastor talk about the vision of the youth center.  Let’s get behind this cause and show up big!!  There is a company that is going to match every dollar up to $10,000 that is raised.  Let’s get $20,000 or more!  We are looking for volunteers to help with food and other items on Saturday.  If you can’t run, ruck or walk reach out and you can get involved in another way.  

COT ended in prayer!

Enjoy your week and don’t forget about Q-Source on Wednesday mornings at 6:30 AM.  If you haven’t posted for this event then make it happen.  We meet via Google Meet and you don’t have to turn on your sound or video.  Just show up and be ready to be invigorated!

Belding out!




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