QIC:  Gump, The Dude, Trigger, Jake Brake, Belding, Medball
  PAX:  HayHay, Good Hands, Lip Sync, TSB, Coin Biscuit, Rousey, Diamond Dave, Flex Seal, Swanson, Cousin Eddie, Pumpernickel, HBC, Herniator, Goldberg, Kapowski, Snorkel, Frank & Beans, Dragonfly, Publix, Udder Butter, Root, Boo Boo, Trampstamp, Kleenex, Banjo, Clifford BRD, The Dude
  Date:  07/04/20

Weather: Hot…even w. a 7am start

Location: Station

QIC: Gump, The Dude, Trigger, Jake Brake, Belding, Medball

Pax: HayHay, Good Hands, Lip Sync, TSB, Coin Biscuit, Rousey, Diamond Dave, Flex Seal, Swanson, Cousin Eddie, Pumpernickel, HBC, Herniator, Goldberg, Kapowski, Snorkel, Frank & Beans, Dragonfly, Publix, Udder Butter, Root, Boo Boo, Trampstamp, Kleenex, Banjo, Clifford BRD, The Dude

Warm-up: The Dude did some classics and introduced us to the PPSTM’s (Peter Parker Shoulder Tap Merkins)

Indian Run: Medball split the pax into 2 groups. Each leader grabbed a flag and took a lap. It was a beautiful sight.

Tree Spoke: Belding set-up 6 stations around THE TREE, for our spoke. 5 Burpees at the tree. A variety of exercises at each station with 3 choices for each of 3 rounds. The Bear Crawl station was not a favorite.

Bernie’s and Bears: Trigger lined the pax up at the famous Valley of Death. Jog down, bear crawl up the other side, Star Jump, crawl bear back down, and Bernie Sanders up the first side, Burpee. AMRAP.

Dale Jr’s: Jake Brake led the pax by the big rock pile, where partnered pax picked up one two-handed rock per pair and took it to the top of the field. One pax ran a short lap (Dale Jr.) while the other pax performed C.Op.S w. the rock (Round 2 rock squats).

-pax returned their rocks as they made their way to the ampitheater

Painstation @ the Ampitheater: Belding outlined 4 stations: stage, step 1, step 2, step 3. Step-ups (5), Walk-up Merkins (5), Incline Merkins (10), Dips (15)…bear crawls in-between then rinse and repeat after dips.

WOD: “Disruption”. YHC enlightened the pax in attendance on the 1st foundational principle of the Qsource- Distruption – “Disturbance to the status quo” and used the founding fathers as a reference. Each pax was challenged to initiate movement and seek advantage for their concentrica!


-Parade of Horribles finished with 4 pax crossing the line: TCLAPS to Swanson, Kapowski, Goldberg, and Cousin Eddie – good work

-Jake Brake saved the day with a trough full of ice, water, and Gatorades…that was good thinking!




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