Holy crow, what a year March was, am I right? We’re entering Week 3 of No AO’s and I think it’s slowly driving the Men of F3 Hickory slightly crazy….ok, maybe it’s just me but I really doubt it. Man, I miss yall’s ugly mugs.

Quick roundup since you last heard from me. Please pray for two of our pax. Old School (Lenoir) had a stroke and is still hospitalized in Hickory. If you want more information on how you can help out, I encourage you to reach out to Cropduster. Also, Castaway (Granite Falls) had surgery to remove part of his colon and is also in the hospital. Crop can also share more information if you want to reach out to him. Crop: 828-455-6155

The Mortimer 100 Relay was a great success. We raised over $8,000 for several charities across the state. Part of that sum was donated to Billy Jean’s mother in law, who recently lost her husband and has been overwhelmed with medical expenses during his sickness. Billy sends his deepest thanks to all that helped! On a related note, the relay was a great way to spend 14 hours with my brothers and all of Lenoir’s stray/unleashed dogs. I believe we covered all F’s in the process. Here’s one of my favorite pictures from that day. It’s F3’s Slaughter from Metro in the midst of what turned out to be the Most Miserable Hill in History of Mankind on leg 13:

We will re-run this race again next spring. I hope to see all of you out there. Excuses are not accepted.

I hope that you have noticed during your quarantine that you still have lots of workout options. I’ve been trying to post as many of those options as possible on our Slack 1st F channel. I highly recommend that you try out one of the virtual workouts via Zoom. Are they as much fun as seeing my beautiful face and smelling Pumpernickle’s onion diet gas? Of course not, but what else are you going to do? Nothing is not the right answer and you can (or should) only do so much running, right? (stillnotarunner) We have posted our own Zoom workout (thanks Phlegm) and it was fun. There will be more. There will also be regularly scheduled 2nd and 3rd F events via Zoom. Note: if you are interested in Q’ing one of these workouts, please let Cousin Eddie know?

Did you know that we turn 6 on Sunday (4/5)? Our very own Powder is hosting a virtual Convergence that morning to commemorate our birthday. I am literally begging you to join us. 07:00 – 07:45. Get on Slack and just push the little blue link to join in. It really is that simple.

Once this Covid mess is over, we are going to hold a For Reals Convergence to celebrate the re-opening of our AO’s. Obviously no date is set for that, so just kick back and stay tuned ok? Also, I’d like to take this moment to officially tell Covid-19 to go pound sand and/or kick rocks.

Lastly, during this period of semi-isolation, please try to keep other pax in mind. There are bound to be some that could use this time to forget about F3, lose their sense of accountability, stay in the fartsack, etc. Take a second to reach out to each other. Stay in touch, check on others.

I miss all of you clowns. Yes, even you.

From 6 feet away, I’m OUT!



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