QIC:  Hanger

As usual the cadence was varied, random, and poorly thought out.

Image result for the points don't matter


SSH x 25

Humpees x 20

Windmills x 20

Arm Circles/Reverse x 20

Overhead Claps x 10

Hairy Rockettes x 20


The Thang:

Grab the blocks, these exercises mostly in cadence

Blockbees x 5

Lunges x 20

Merkins x 10

Overhead press x 20

Merkins x 10

Curls for girls x 20

Donkey Kick Merkins x 5

Squats x 25


Leave the blocks for later, we’ll come back for them!

Mosey to the parking lot wall

Alternate wall step ups and merkins: x10, x9, x8, x7–extra credit for x6


Mosey to Liquid Roots, no beer available yet. Image result for sad man empty beer

Guess we’ll exercise to burn away the sadness.

LBCs x 25

Low Slow Flutter Kicks x 15

High Fast Flutter x 20

Freddy Mercurys x20

LBCs x 15


Mosey back to the wall

Dips x 25

Incline Merkins x 20

Dips x20

Merkins x10


Mosey to Medical Office stairs, up and down 4x

Squats x20


Mosey to the Davenport Hill, Bernie up to the gate. Walk back down.


Mosey back to the AO

Merkins x 10

Sadly, we didn’t end up with enough time for more block work. Everyone, feeling melancholy, did a sorrowful 5x overhead press as we put away the blocks.

Image result for sad man

The Word:

From the Q Source:

Being both Disruptive and agitating, leadership will naturally make people uncomfortable, at least until they begin to see for themselves that they are being led to a place of advantage.

If a man calls himself a leader but does not cause Disruption by initiating movement, then he is not practicing leadership. He might be doing something else, like managing or governing, but he is not leading. He is a leader in name only until people begin to follow him to an advantageous place that he has visualized and articulated to them. A Leader is a person who influences movement to advantage.

No Announcements or prayer requests. Spokes led us in prayer.



  • Hanger is the new Master Q for Prison Break. Guess I’ll have to show up once in a while
  • Rainy days make the weird crossfitters see just a little bit smarter.
  • Rx has the Q for every other PB starting Thursday
  • Bismarck and I have substantially different ideas of how to define a “short” run.
  • Message from our M’s: Perhaps if we would sweep our floors once in a while, we’d know that we could stand up our brooms any time of year! Also, did you know that your laundry gets cleaner if you USE THE GEE GOLLY HAMPER!




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