QIC:  Swinger
  • QIC realized on Friday that he had Q on Saturday (just happened to be a week earlier than he remembered) but then how many QIC plan their workout more than a day in advance? (kudos to the ones who do)So I laid out the pre-blast and only one assumed HC came from a post by Bismarck, the 8 mile Pre-workout running machine.  I pulled down to hibriten and gave a Hoot and holler to the 2 that were running away.  Kudos to Friar finishing the last 5 miles of that run as well.

Cars piled in behind me and suddenly there were 11, now it’s 7, let’s begin!

Snips never disappoints, he’ll be late to his own funeral, but he posts and that’s better than not.  Now there’s 12! And that’s the magic number


ssh (until snips joins in, took 30 to get him in sync)

10 Hairy Rockettes, Bobble Dogeys (possibly the reason for his F3 demise)

Nancy Kerrigan’s  -10 lac forward on right leg, 10 lac reverse on left leg (QIC attacked Tanya Harding style by Friar, no legs were broke so no charges were filed)

Let’s mosey

Babyface stressed Too much concern over the warmups, whether there were too many SSH’s or the absence of humpies.

Reconvened at baseball field parking for more warmups just for you Babyface

15 Humpies

10 Windmills

mosey to the stadium, stair run to the lot behind.

The thang

Bear Crawl 1-2-3  “doras obnoxious neighbor who throws parties all night long”

partner up for 100 merkins, 200 LBCGTQ, 300 Squats partner one adds to workout while partner 2 bear crawls a determined distance out and crawl bears Back.  And flap jack to reach 100/200/300

snips is a thief, or an accomplice; And bear crawls get right to the breaking point of every man

Let’s mosey

reconvene in front of middle school

For “All about the benjamins”

similar to 11’s but the workouts will total 100.
25 Star Jumps   25 forward Lunges

25 Merkins        25 reverse lunges

25 star jumps   25 forward lunges

25 mountain climbers 25 reverse lunges

100 reps of exercises and 100 lunges!

Mosey to AO and Babyface helped bring the 90s jam.  For our last thang

“the 90s” as I promised we would sweat to the oldies.  I had a workout dice or die, it’s a singular thang.  A toss of the die gave us an exercise to be performed for 90 seconds.  Turns out there were a lot of leg exercises… let’s see if I can remember

Squat jumps, Freddie Mercuries, jump tucks,  and a few others.  Lots of complaining and each lasted about 70-80 seconds.  No one ever got to hear my alarm tone that would have taken them back to that moment of slime on Nickelodeon Dare.  Oh well.


today is the Chinese New Year.  The year of the rat.  Rats are clever…

Proverbs 14:8 Why is a clever person wise? Because he knows what to do.  Why is a stupid person foolish? Because he only thinks he knows.

James 1:5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

QIC encouraged the pax to be wise with their actions and words.  Seek wisdom when you don’t know what to do.  Lately my now 11 year old has required an even more adult and intelligent conversation on behavior and relationships and life.  I don’t always have the answers, but God is generous to help me through these moments.  Punishable situations are challenging. Ultimately, We are raising good Children we hope will be good adults and citizens.


bearcrawl exercises were the closest thing to a rat looking exercise

Announcements and prayers:

There’s a 3rd F event tomorrow at lake hickory country club.
Prayers continue for the Guld family, to see and observe Gods love through the generosity of the church that compels them to seek Him!
prayers for granite brother in need

swinger out


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