QIC:  Jordache

So yes, admittedly, it has been a hot minute since I have made it out to one of my scheduled Q’s & I would expect that there might have been a few well deserved wagers on whether or not I was going to make it out of bed. Especially considering that it was in the 20’s. But, the concrete beast deserves respect!

Time is always of the essence so we jumped right in to 2 laps of the old ER with 30 merkins at each zone. This absolutely blew! As the Q I was trying to gauge whether an audible was needed but again, the beast deserves respect. There was even a point where I thought “The ER is right next door, we’ll be fine.” —Thoughts that you NEVER want your Q to have.

Once that misery was over, we lined up for 1 round of longer-ish wind sprints in front of the hospital: From the flag to the 1st speed bump & back. From the flag to the main entrance & back. From the flag to the 2nd speed bump & back. From the flag to the stop light & back.

Next up, we headed to Cemetery Hill & partnered up. Partner 1 ran up Cemetery Hill to the stop light while Partner 2 did merkins AMRAP & then switched. unFortunately, time only allowed us to do 1 round, but to make up for it, we took the long/hard way back to the flag by heading up Hospital Hill.

The Word:

With today being Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we are reminded that our lives should be about more than just “us/me”. We know that MLK Jr. was willing to lay down his life for others by standing up again social injustice. Lets push each other to use what time we have left to think about the needs of others & to make a difference.



  • Cheese & Kapowski were fashionable late but Kapo made it known that he completed his merkins.
  • Cuz disappeared for a while. His pipes…THANK YOU for not using the stairwell! 
  • HBC actually complained for once! Thats for sure a notch on my belt!
  • Cheese sang more than he spoke.
  • Beaker LOVED the workout & plans to take his Fuel buddies over to do it later… He told me
  • It was GREAT to be back with you fellas. Missed ya.



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