QIC:  Biscuits

New morning, quite wet, lots of puddles, but no rain. Five PAX ready to bring in the day right.

Warm-up (in cadence):

  1. 12 Side-straddle Hops
  2. 12 LAC’s
  3. 12 RAC’s
  4. 12 Humpies
  5. 12 High Knees
  6. 12 Butt Kickers

Mosey to the Cul-de-sac for 12 Burpees OYO; then continue on to the parking lot. Here we crossed the parking lot twice:

  1. Lunge walk to light, 12 LBC’s, lunge walk to tree, 12 LBC’s, lunge walk to light, 12 LBC’s, lunge walk to end.
  2. Bear crawl to light, 12 RBC’s, bear crawl to tree, 12 RBC’s, brea crawl to light, 12 RBC’s, bear crawl to beginning.

Now on to a Biscuits’ Mount favorite: The Clock. Starting at the north side of the loop on the connecting sidewalk, we do twelve reps, and then run counter-clockwise, stopping for reps each time we come to a sidewalk joining the road, dropping by one rep each time. A full loop totals 78 reps.

  1. First loop: 78 Hand Release Merkins
  2. Second loop: 78 Big Boy Sit-ups
  3. Third loop: 78 Jump Squats

Now we mosey to the wall for:

  1. 12-count Triceps Dips in cadence
  2. 12 Incline Merkins OYO
  3. 12 Decline Merkins OYO
  4. 12-count Triceps Dips again!

And back to the flag! Still 4 minutes until 6:15am, so we round-robin a few ab exercises:

  1. Biscuits for 12 (more) Big Boy Sit-ups OYO
  2. Short Sale calls 12 Box Cutters in cadence
  3. Doc McStuffins calls 12 Leg Lifts in cadence
  4. Doughboy calls 12 LBC’s OYO
  5. Biscuits again with 12 American Hammers in cadence

Finally a 12 second Hollow Body Hold that was definitely more than 12 seconds. Probably 30.

12 seconds until 6:15, so YHC calls for the count-o-rama and name-o-rama:

Word of the Day comes from Hebrews 12:1-2. YHC used the analogy of the wet workout causing our clothes to cling with extra weight to the way sin weighs down our spiritual race as highlighted in this passage.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.




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