QIC:  Patti Mayo

YHC had the pleasure to Q at the newest and fines AO this side of Burke County and we did it up right!

Warm up-You already know

The Thang-

YHC posted up in the Greater Richmond area Sat. morning and got a pretty good idea for a workout.  PS, if you don’t post in other areas ever, you should give it a shot.  New guys, new workouts…its good stuff.  YHC is actually going to post in Shelby for the first time Wed. before Thanksgiving and is pretty pumped about it!!  ANYWAYS…

OG Asheville Abs…which is a 10 count…..ouch

Mosey to the Food Lion parking lot, which is Reading Rainbows favorite place to workout by the by.

Groups of 3, 2 different points of working out with exercises posted on them.  kind of running in  circle. One is running relieves the other, does the exercise they were doing, relieved man runs and relieves the other man, and so on and so forth.

Go to bottom of parking spaces to do a ladder of 7’s with Burpees at the bottom and Squats at the top.

Mosey back to Hildebran gym for another round of the three man bonanza but it was 4 this time with different exercises.

COT-talked about being a light and living your testimony every day!


Several things about the Tower have brought me joy since we started:

We have had very consistent numbers the whole time so far which is AWESOME

Amazing to see guys that didn’t start too terribly long ago step up and be leaders

New guys showing up and sticking around and posting on the regular

It’s approximately 1.7 miles from YHC’s house!!!

Great work men and keep the god stuff coming!




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