QIC:  Biscuits

YHC has deep Anabaptist roots from both Menno Simons and Jakob Ammann, so what better than to bring a barn-raising to the Mount? YHC trimmed his Amish beard, donned his simple straw hat, and drove his black buggy to the Mount (aka blue truck, but no brethren were watching).

14 PAX arrive, eager to begin the community festivities. 2 FNG’s among the number, so YHC gives a quick disclaimer.


  1. 15 side-straddle hops in cadence
  2. Start 10 little arm circles in cadence; PAX #15, Has Been, arrives, takes one look at YHC in Amish attire, “Are we all going to pretend this is normal?”
  3. 10 reverse arm circles in candence
  4. 10 humpies in cadence
  5. 15 butt kickers in cadence
  6. 15 high knees in cadence

PLOW the Field

We mosey to a grassy field that has obviously not been plowed in some time, so we plow it.

  1. 10 Peter Parkers
  2. 10 Lunge Walks
  3. 10 One-legged Squat (easily YHC’s worst idea yet – with a dearth of “O” exercises, Short Sale recommended “Overhead Claps” instead, Has Been corrected YHC’s wobbly form, and many PAX modified with a regular squat)
  4. 10 Wide-arm Merkins

After a set, rinse/repeat until the entire field is traversed.

Raise the BARN

Short mosey to the Walgreens to get blocks for our BARN-raising. Everyone partners up, two blocks to a pair. Set-up: one partner farmer carries blocks while the other performs one exercise, swap so both partners get to do each set, and then move to the next.

  1. Plank; other partner farmer carries to first tree and back.
  2. Big boy sit-ups; second tree and back.
  3. American hammers; third tree.
  4. RBC’s; fourth tree.
  5. Nolan Ryans; fifth tree. (Nolan Ryans are a bit aggressive for an Amish-themed workout, but YHC found too few N exercise options to spell BARN…)

The community of HIM’s really came together and the barn finished a bit quicker than YHC expected. But when you finish your work early, there’s always more to do in the field…

Hands in the Dirt

We mosey back to the field, with a hands-in-dirt traversal: Crawl Bear, Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, each PAX OYO as long as hands are used. The field felt just as huge as the first time, but we finished with a little time to spare and mosey back to the flag.


Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, and then we name our two FNG’s: Life Alert and Herbie!

Ended with a short article from John Piper, “The Only Enduring Happiness” and then prayed us out!



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