QIC:  Patti Mayo

So YHC had just come back from a 2 week hiatus at the beach.  Reading Rainbow was scheduled for the Q but it had been a while since yours truly had Q’d and while at the beach, YHC picked up a little pain that needed to be shared!

Here’s how it went:

Warm ups….blah blah

Mosey to the dumpsters, formally where the blocks were stored until they were STOLEN!!  We think it was one of the older folks from the retirement home,  but we can’t be sure…they are our number 1 suspects though!  Anyways; 10 count OG Asheville Abs baby! If you’ve done them up to 10 you already know.

Mosey to the new spot where we hide the blocks…that will remain unmentioned….because you never know who’s reading.  Those older folks seem to have lots of time on their hands and I’m not gonna spill the beanz on here just in case they’re trolling F3 backblasts during the day.

Each man grabbed a block and headed to where we did 4POP…. aka four points of pain.  Basically start at point one, do 5 reps of an exercise, overhead carry block to point 2, repeat, oh carry to point 3, repeat and you get it.  Plank for 6 so we can all go through and mumblechatter together for the most part.   Exercises were:

5 reps burpees at each point= 20 total

10 reps merkins= 40 total

15 reps squats= 60 total

20 reps curls= 80 total

25 reps LBC= 100 total

30 reps flutter kicks= 120 total

Rinse and repeat in opposite order on the way down, modifying as needed.  Dude at Murrells Inlet named Soft Shell did this workout the last day YHC posted and it was awful.  It def. goes in the that won’t be so bad….but it is so bad category.

Mosey back to flag for COT.

YHC saw a saying on a church marquee that stuck…”You may fool the pastor,  but you’ll never fool the master.”  Powerful stuff.




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