You all know I like to try to mix up things as much as I can.  So to really mix it up I figured we would run about 3 miles and do some merkins.  Watch out now getting crazy.

Pull in and Bismarck is stretching in the parking lot and thats it.  Im a bit concerned it might be just to the two of us.  Shout out to Grover Washington. As I fumble with my keys and phone the crew starts rolling in.  Snips and Hanger come driving in and Grout walks up.  When you can run like Grout you don’t need a car.  I promise a “new” hill.  Everyone was excited about the possibilities.

Warm Up

Stretch on your own (In Cadence)

We get into a deep discussion about injuries, shoes and getting old.  The back of my ankles get sore.  Grouts wife knows about shoes and Hanger was disappointed when the mosey started.

Run down the greenway

We had one headlight.  Props to The Wallflowers.  This made some really impressive shadows.  It dosent take much to entertain us while running.  We run to the regular stoping spot do 15 merkins.

Run up the hill towards the Library.

Instead of making a right toward the library we make a left.  Wow nellie we are getting crazy.  Never did like Aerosmith.  Down the hill and back up.  It was a pretty good hill steep and short.

At the top we knock out 15 more merkins.

Off to the Library.  Everyone thinks we are going down the library hill, No way Jose.

Run out of the library and around walgreens, then on to workout land and through Fast Food lane pass by the motel and stop at the greenway entrance.

15 more merkins

Run back to the stoping spot and you guess it 15 more merkins.

Run it on back to the AO.


Had a good discussion about fitness trackers and use in High School running.   Bismarck just might have a heart but only when he runs.  Now I know why he runs so much.



Matthew 6:5-6 New 

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.


So we are all feeling good a looking for prayer request.  Bismark drops the whole world is going to fall apart for our great grand children because of global warming and the environment.  Wah Wah WAAAH…  Thanks glad im burning gas in my truck drinking from plastic water bottles oh yea I work for company that resells hardwood and owns a sawmill.  A good tree is one on a truck headed to our mill to be sliced and diced.  Lets get back to something a little more upbeat like needing a job and injuries.  Oh yea Feline Aids It’s the number one killer of domestic cats.


3.32 Miles

460 Calories Burned

9:03 Pace


Prayers Out

Global Warming

Snips Job Search






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