QIC:  Swinger
  1. here’s how it went down, I hopped out of my car to a van load of youth.  I’m a laid back guy, not sure why girls were invited, but whatevs.  So we start the warmups and I’m yelling to the top of my lungs to be heard over all the mumblechatter.  A few moments into the warmups I realize that all the regular Pax had ran off and left Babyface and me with the mess of teens.  What on earth? Then I woke up and it was 2:30 AM and my daughter was up from a bad dream.  Evidently they run in the family.

Anywho, here’s how it really went down.

I pulled into the parking lot, shoveled the flag down.  And overheard Friar explain how to use Slack and was eager to see who this FNG might be. Turns out it was Bismarck.  If you’re not slacking with F3 Lenoir, get with it people.  You are missing out on a world of awesome, and great Friar smelfieceps is that right? Like a selfie in his smediums of his biceps!?

Ok really now here’s the thang


SSH 20 ic, Nancy Kerrigan 10 each leg forward then reverse arm rotation, Windmills 15 ic

lets get blocks for a…

40 Challenge

Round 1: 30 ohpsress 10squats 25/15 20/20 15/25 10/30 (oops we actually changed in increments of 10, my bad)

Put your blocks down, and let’s mosey!

head to the habitat restore

“car back” someone shouts, “play it cool” I yelled and then proceeded to instruct everyone to squat and pretend to read the paper, it’s a lexicon exercise and not the first time I’ve used it.  Not all pax enjoyed this, In the future there will have to be repercussion.

Make it to the gravel parking lot and a bit of confusion and questions about if QIC hid logs.  “No (I said), just blocks!” Oh, but these are full size, not like those half weight ones we have, so again the complaining ensues.  What do we do

40 Challenge Round 2: curls/mtn climbers (actually did these correctly, and really working on our Friar/Hanger biceps)

moseyed back to AO, oh there’s blocks waiting for a round 3!: Scull crushers /ww2 sit-ups

some mumble chatter exchanged about a few lazy pax not stacking blocks back at the restore, evidently they missed where I said leave them we will return.

A few of us played it cool along the way, a few didn’t.

Make it back to restore for round 4: bent over rows/squat jumps

mosey back to AO for time with Mary.

Elsa shared her sweet tunes and we worked out to “Let it Go”. QIC has just returned from Disney and his 2.0 really urged him to include her in the workout.

We laid on our six with blocks pressed up during verse, then bench pressed during the chorus… held blocks up during 2nd verse then flutter kicked during 2nd chorus.  I felt we had enough so I stopped it there.

1 minute early it was 5:59!


Eph 4:32 Be kind and  compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God for gave you.

Our old nature would want to seek revenge or repayment but the Spirit says forgive them just as Christ has forgiven you. As long as we hold  on to our bitterness, they are still hurting us. Stop holding onto it, “Let It Go”

“and there it is” Babyface said, as we all realized the awesome way that embarrassing song circled back around! God did it, not me.

Forgiveness sets us free from our past and stops the pain. we don’t heal in order to forgive; we forgive in order to heal. Aye!



the Pax really seem to like My Q’s! I’ll schedule more of them.

Not sure how moleskin work, I think I do it wrong by including all that crap in my workout details.

Goodwill is a runner, he picks on Swinger, but he finished strong, but PbR finished stronger, that dude can run.

get on slack!

4th of July Convergence 6:30a schs breakfast following

Swinger out




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