QIC:  Flex Seal

YHC had back to back Q’s at The Mount. After very slowly completing the Vertical Mile Challenge this past saturday, YHC knew he need more training running hills so…..


Warm Up

  • Good Mornings
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Butt Kickers
  • Little Arm Circles
  • Alternating Toe Touches
  • Squats

Mosey to the bottom of Walgreen’s hill & partner up

Partner 1 – AMRAP BLIMPS while Partner 2 runs up Walgreen’s Hill and back down – Flap Jack

Walk to the Wall

  • Side Step ups (parallel to wall) – Each Leg
  • Russian Hamstring Curls – If you dont know what these are, look em up – You need to do them!
  • Dips
  • Step downs from Wall – Each Leg – Standing with one foot on retainer wall (parallel to the wall), SLOWLY lower your opposite heel to the ground and back up. Try not to use your foot touching the ground to push up – All the strength should only come from the foot/leg thats on the wall – These are TOUGH!

Mosey long way around retirement home to the creepy van parking lot

  • 5 count Asheville abs

Mosey to the Ortho Dr. Office for:

  • Wall sits with shoulder work

Walk to parking lot & Pick a line

  • More BLIMPS – This time bear crawl a parking line 5 reps of BLIMPS bear crawl back for 5 more reps

Walk to flag for Warm Down

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Windmills

YHC ended the Beatdown about 5 min early!


WOD – YHC described the a visit to the Church near Ground Zero in NYC.


Ball of Man



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