QIC:  Biscuits

We only broke one roped log at my last Q at the Mount, so I brought the 11 remaining roped logs for another round, parked my loaded truck next to the Walgreen’s at the end of a dead-end road and moseyed to the flag. 11 PAX show up: that’ll be a great match. YHC starts the warm-up, 10-count, in cadence:

  1. Side-straddle hops
  2. ATT’s
  3. Windmills
  4. Humpies
  5. Butt-kickers (20 count, because)
  6. High-knees (20 count too)

Then a short mosey to the parking lot. Here we line up abreast, bear crawl to the first light, lunge walk to the second light, bear crawl the rest of the way to the end of the parking lot. Turn-around, crab-walk to the first light (which was the original second light), lunge walk to the second light (which was the original first light), and crab-walk to the end (which was originally the beginning). Turn-around, crawl bear to the first light (the first’s first light, but the second’s second light), lunge walk to the second light (the first’s second light and the second’s first light), and crawl bear to the end.

Has Been volunteered a 10-count, then we moseyed to the blocks, and the creeper truck parked at the end of the dead-end road (as labelled by the pre-runners who saw it parked there).

Each PAX grabs a block and a roped log for the next event. Two stations with 3 exercises each, 16 reps, descending by 2’s, with PAX dragging a log between stations. It went something like this:

  • Station A: 16 overhead presses with the block, 16 curls, and 16 bent-over rows.
  • Drag log to station B.
  • Station B: 16 merkins, 16 big boy sit-ups, and 16 plank jacks.
  • Drag log to station A
  • And Repeat (at 14 reps, 12, 10, etc…)

Most of the PAX made it through 2, but YHC got to 4 and didn’t want the rest of the PAX to be waiting on a Q, so we tossed the logs back on the truck, put our blocks away, and moseyed to the retaining wall for a few quick:

  1. 20 tricep dips
  2. 15 incline merkins
  3. 10 decline merkins
  4. 20 tricep dips
  5. 15 incline merkins
  6. 10 decline merkins
  7. AND then we moseyed to catch up with Short Sale and Has Been didn’t want to wait around to find out what was next.

YHC didn’t catch up until we were back at the flag. Count-o-rama, name-o-rama:


Then YHC shared a short devotional from Solid Joys:

The sluggard says, “There is a lion outside! I shall be killed in the streets!” (Proverbs 22:13)

This is not what I expected the proverb to say. I would have expected it to say, “The coward says, ‘There is a lion outside! I shall be killed in the streets!’” But it says, “sluggard,” not “coward.” So, the controlling emotion here is laziness, not fear.


But what does laziness have to do with the danger of a lion in the street? We don’t usually say, “This man is too lazy to go do his work because there is a lion outside.”


The point is that the sluggard creates imaginary circumstances to justify not doing his work, and thus shifts the focus from the vice of his laziness to the danger of lions. No one will approve his staying in the house all day just because he is lazy. But they might excuse him if there is a lion in the street….

YHC shared how this resonates and how easy it is to come up with “great” excuses to not get stuff done, and how important it is to be honest with myself and do.

Reading Rainbow mentioned it’s his one year F3niversary, and we shared how challenging and encouraging it’s been to be out here with HIM’s.




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