Better late than never, YHC arrived a couple minutes early where he was greeted by all the HIM’s of F3 Lenoir. The mumble chatter was cranked up for the warmup
Pickle Pounders, SSH, Hairy Rockettes, Abe-a-gota’s (lol, nailed it), Merkins
Moseyed to stadium stairs where we seen a bunch of flags set up for the track meet. We moseyed to the bottom of the stadium stairs and did some partner exercises.
Partner 1- Step ups (AMRAP) / Partner 2 – run to top of steps and do 20 Merkins (2 sets) Flapjack
Partner 1- Box Jumps (AMRAP) / Partner 2 – run to landing right below the top and do 20 dips (2 sets) Flapjack
Moseyed to the middle school field and played some ULTIMATE frisbee, with a frisbee golf frisbee (I was all time offense, so I would have won no matter the outcome. #winning #tigerblood)
after we finished the game of ULTIMATE we moseyed back down to the AO and had a quick COT
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Babyface did not like playing ULTIMATE frisbee with a frisbee golf frisbee because his fingers were bruised afterward, it was pretty rough looking. Thanks for suffering through that BF, it was GRRRRRREAT!!!
We missed OG due to a sinus infection, prayers for him!!! GET BETTER SOON!!
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