QIC:  Flex Seal

For the past few weeks, YHC has experienced some knee pain which is believed to be from an iliotibial band (IT band) syndrome. Whatever it is…YHC knows that good stretching before and after a workout sure does help ease the pain. Shoutout to our man Suppository for demostrating a few exercises and stretches at Organ Grinder yesterday  specifically to help with IT band issues. If YHC needs these stretches and exercise, then might as well introduce them to the PAX of the Mount —It wont hurt em…or will it????



  • Good Mornings – Every FLEX SEAL (YHC) Q starts with these!
  • Hill Billies – ‘cept rotate the knees out to really work the groins
  • On Your Six
    • Knee to Opposite Shoulder Stretch
    • Cross leg – leg up Stretch – Both Legs
    • Side Knee Stretches
    • Jane Fondas
    • Clam Knee Raises – while gazing deeply into the PAX across from you eyes!
    • Iron Crosses
    • Pickle Pointers – mumble chatter about “Gherkins” or something here!
    • 1 Leg Pickle Pointers – each leg
    • Pickle Pounders
    • 5 Count Ashville Abs
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • High Knees

Mosey to Grass

  • Bear Crawl in a large circle until Q yells halt then to called exercise – then start Bear Crawling again
    • Merkins
    • Slow Squats
    • Wide Grip Merkins
    • Side Lunges
    • Diamond Merkins

Mosey to Blocks

  • Block Burpees – 10 OYO
  • Block Swings – 15 OYO
  • Front Raises – 15 In cadence
  • Block Swings – 15 OYO
  • Front Raises – 10 In Cadence
  • Front Raises – 5 In Cadence

Mosey to Bottom of Hill – Around the turn—all the way to the bottom

  • Partner Backpetal with 3 Star Jumps to top of hill
  • Slow Deep Walking Lunges down Hill
  • Partner Backpetal with Star Jumps to top of hill
  • Slow Deep Walking Lunges down Hill

Mosey to Parking Lot

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Imperial Storm Troopers (Vertical Crunches)
  • Flutter Kicks – Arms by side
  • Flutter Kicks – hands under head
  • Freddy mercury’s

Warm Down back at Flag

  • Knee to Opposite Shoulder
  • Cross Leg – Leg Up
  • Iron Crosses
  • Side Knee Stretches
  • Humpies

COT – The Big Dance is here – This is fitting!

The Fundamentals of Basketball and Life

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2)

As residents of North Carolina for the last three decades, we’ve enjoyed some of the best college basketball in the country. Whether you wear the Carolina blue of the UNC Tar Heels or the darker blue of their rivals, the Duke Blue Devils, in any given year the odds are that one of these teams will be in the Final Four. Since 1990 a North Carolina school has played in the men’s NCAA championship game thirteen out of twenty-eight seasons, winning the whole thing nine times!

Great basketball teams with winning traditions start with a coach who begins each year by reviewing the basics of the game. These include shooting, passing, rebounding, and defense. Each of these specialties has its own set of skills whose mastery is required for success. Today, however, I want to look at three fundamentals of shooting and how they can be applied in the life of a Christ-follower.

Square Up

Yes, game highlights on TV often focus on a player hitting a flashy fade-away shot or a runner in the lane, but a much higher-percentage shot requires that you square your body to the basket. Shooting a basketball accurately starts with setting your feet properly—so that all ten toes point toward the basket—and aligning your hip, shoulder, and elbow so that the ball flies straight and true when you release it.

In our spiritual walk, we need to be just as deliberate, aligning our hearts and mind with God’s will and approaching the throne of grace with confidence. Don’t be simultaneously running away from God (the fade-away) or rushing too fast towards Him without a healthy fear of His holiness (the runner). Think fundamentals.

Focus on the Goal

After squaring your body with the basket, you need to focus your eyes on the goal. Where do you want the ball to go? Where are you aiming? Some say to look at the front of the rim; others say the back. Either way, you need to be focused on the objective in order to put the ball through the hoop.

As Christ-followers, we need to do the same. We need to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Paul says that as we behold the glory of the Lord, we are being transformed into His image from one degree of glory to another (2 Corinthians 3:18). In other words, the more you focus on Jesus, the more you will become like Him, which is the goal.

Follow Through

So now you’ve squared up your body and your focus is on the goal. There is one more important step in shooting a basketball: the follow-through. As you take the shot, let your arm continue its motion as far as possible, even after the ball has left your hand. A good follow-through will help you get the ball traveling in the direction you intended. If you snap your arm back too quickly, your odds of making the shot are greatly diminished.

Similarly, after we’ve approach the throne of grace (square up) and fixed our eyes on Jesus (focus on the goal), we need to follow through and continue walking by faith daily. Don’t be like the seed planted in thorny soil (Luke 8:14) and start your walk with passion only to quickly fall away after being choked by the lusts, worries, and temptations of this world. Persevere, stay disciplined, remain humble, and walk in grace.

© 2017 Davis Carman



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