QIC:  Goodwill

YHC actually arrived on time today amazingly enough.

Snips rolled in on 2 wheels as usual (he’ll say he didn’t, but we all know)

Warm up

SSH x 20

Humpees x 20

Windmills x 20

Alternating Bouble Dogeys x 20

Spoke to the PAX about holding themselves accountable to get every rep and to not skip any

3 rounds of 20 of each exercise with a coupon (cinder block)

WWII Sit-ups
Carolina Dry Docks (feet on blocks)
Sumo Squats
Star Plank Hold (later named Spread Eagle Plank)
Skull Crusher
Side Squats
American Hammers holding a rope (if one stops we all stop, luckily no one stopped)
Burpees x10

Small section from the Q source this morning

Picture yourself on an airplane taxiing out to the runway. Doesn’t the flight attendant always instruct the passengers that in the event of sudden cabin depressurization oxygen masks will drop down from the ceiling. She then says something counterintuitive. If you are traveling with small children, put your mask on before trying to assist them. Selflessness would seem to require the inverse, that you would not help yourself before you helped them. Perhaps, but in a rapidly depressurizing cabin you won’t have the time. The issue is not whether you should help them first, but that you can’t help them at all unless you help yourself first.

The same is true in the life of man. A man must be breathing pure oxygen before he can help his fellow passengers. He must accelerate his Fitness, Fellowship and Faith before he can hope to have IMPACT or lead. He has to Get Right first before he does anything else.


Get Right is the first quadrant of Preparedness because an un-Fit man is unprepared to help anyone else.

Lots of groaning this morning during the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd rounds.

Snips stayed behind everyone (had me nervous by the 3rd round what he was doing back there).  He also really enjoyed the rope so maybe that had something to do with it.

Fartsacking is about as common as the flu when a Goodwill Q is going down.  Yes I’m talking to all of you who didn’t get to eat a pound of concrete dust.

Goodwill out


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