QIC:  Double Bogey

Oh my, how long has it been since I Q’d a workout!  What could have I brought to the table to lead these men to get better?  I don’t know; I’m just a runner, and everybody in F3 Lenoir knows that.  I know, I can bring something we all love to do, run.

It was a beautiful warm February when I showed up to the A/O for a quick 2-miler (obviously).  Who came shortly after?  The Friar!!  We did our pre-run, shot the breeze by talking about our feelings, and arrived back at the A/O.

More PAX started to arrive.  We had six in all.  I figured since I’m making a debut after being out for months that more PAX would come out to see me.  Where is the love jerks?  I mean brothers?  Oh well… not everybody loves to run I guess.  Yep, that’s what we did.  You put Double Bogey on Q he will turn a boot camp A/O into an all run A/O.  I mean come on, RUNNING IS LIFE.

As we left the A/O and came to our first long, endless (Nah, it ended) hill, I started the WOD.  Scripture came from Philippians 3.  Paul talked about never give up on the race God put us in because of life situations, obstacles, or setbacks.  The endless hill that ended was an example of that.  It was tiring, where it pushed our muscles hard.  It made us want to quit, but God does not want us to give up, so we pressed onto the finish line.  Where was it?  In the abyss of Lenoir cemetery.

Another long hill.  We made it to the top.  Paul tells us not to look back at our failures, our past sins because that can make us give up on our faith.  We ran around a paved circle and ended up where we started.  God does not want us to float aimlessly, having no direction in life.  When we are on top of the mountain (top of the cemetery), we become too comfortable, so we stay on top where we are no good to God.  He wants us in the valley with others to where we can make a difference for Him.  So, down we went.

We ran back to the A/O just in time for Kevin’s final thoughts.  What were they?  You should’ve been there.

Cudos to Swinger for hanging in there and not giving up.

I appreciate and value all of your friendships to all PAX that posted.  Not the fartsackers though.  Just kidding.  You all are family to me.


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