QIC:  Spokes

I tried a gentle EH on the PAX Monday late afternoon to get more to post…happy for the six that posted but we are missing those that have said they would support our weekday bootcamp workouts.  Nevertheless, I’ll get to the workout that ensued…

Weather- 38°F, Wind 3MPH from the North (felt stronger), 32° F Dewpoint

Warm Up – 20 IC


El Chapo


Mountain Climber

Hill Billies


 Mosey to Wall at Harper Ave

Wall of Fire – PAX holds wall sit while one PAX does 10 Merkins then the next PAX performs.  Repeat adding 10 LBC’s & 10 Burpees

Mosey to Stargate AO

Box Jumps 20 OYO

Tricep Dips 20 IC

Bat Wings (Moroccan Night Club , Seal Claps, OH Claps – Arms up entire time with a slight pause between each exercise) 20 IC

Mosey to Square

Booyah! Merkin 20 IC – Wow, we are totally uncoordinated…the right arm crosses over or under the partners opposite facing right arm to touch their right shoulder, appears easy in concept but mean ole Mr. Reality says differently.

Sumo Squat 20 IC – Had to turn up the volume on the counting given the City of Lenoir sanitation division was cleaning the street/sidewalk

Mosey to Methodist Church steps

Calf Raises 20 IC

Mosey to AO

Pick up Coupon (Block)

OH Press 20 IC

Curls 20 IC

Tricep Extensions 10 IC (I think)

Parking Space Coupon Drag – Pax divides into two lines facing each other at least 2 parking spaces a part.  Drag Coupon while moving forward until you get to next in line and then maintain plank until it’s your turn again to return to your starting position.  Maintain plank until all PAX are complete.

6MOM (really like three minutes)

Windshield Wipers 15 IC

Wheezy Jefferson 10 IC

XY’s 10 IC


Proverbs 16:9 – “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”  When we see a person putting their heart into something what does that mean?  They give it their all.  They care about it so they show that passion in that thing.  That’s all good but we need to make sure when we as Christians put our heart into something that we allow God to make our steps.  If not, our heart could lead us to a path that isn’t within His will.

Prayer requests:  Goodwill shared an anonymous request, Nutmeg’s extended family – prayers for safety and that all things fall into place for the move.  8 year old girl’s death to cancer – remember the family.  My M’s foot surgery tomorrow.



When I got to the AO with five minutes to spare I asked the PAX to go ahead and get their coupon out.  Of course that led to the parenthetical complaining that the workout hadn’t started, blah, blah, blah.  And as we left the AO after warmups, I did hear the mumble chatter/whisper “I think he forgot about the coupons.”  YHC totally ignored it as it was not in the plans at that moment.

Spokes out!




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