QIC:  Swinger

Friar laid down the law earlier this week, we need numbers we need to post as often as we can, glad you could work out this morning Friar, just a shame it wasn’t with us.  Love you even so brother! At 36 degrees It was warmer than the other days! Snowmeggeddon had not yet arrived so maybe we could do a little snow dance to bring it about! Let’s do this…


SSH – 20

Nancy Kerigans – LAC’s on one leg (one leg back like the ice skater) 15 forward first leg, 15 reverse and Switch leg

Windmills – 10

Mountain Climbers – 15

the thang

mosey to stadium, but that’s too easy so how about we do running “butt kickers, toy soldiers, and salsa steps” at Q’s call.  (Salsa steps are the sideways run where left leg leads forward and behind you, then turn the other direction and switch so right leg crosses over left forward and behind you)

joined together on the track at the 50 yard line facing the home team for “Crowd Pleasars”

Merkin and Groiner (think mountain climber but bring both feet to your hand at the same time)

Pyramid style: 1 of each, then 2 of each etc

1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4  and 5:5 then back down. The lexicon suggests the average man can get to 4, but an F3 man can go to 5 before descending.

Mosey the track to the visitor side for a rinse and repeat.

Mosey to the home side and visit the ATM for some snack money!


20 Alternating Shoulder taps from plank

10 Tempo Merkins (copperhead)

10 Merkins

mosey to the visitor side rinse and repeat

Mosey to the middle school field (but that would be too easy without some more butt kickers, toy soldiers, and salsa steps at Q’s lead)

oh look, another bleacher, crowd pleasers up the Pyramid, so we did 1:1 – 5:5 then mosey to the other bleachers and came down the pyramid 5:5 – 1:1

Twin: “Look, a soccer ball! Let’s throw it at Swinger!” Rooney made an awesome goal kick attempt. QIC decided a quick game was in order!

3 on 3 and a twin goalie! SWINGER scores and Grout, Woody, Swinger win!!!

Mosey back to the AO because we’re out of time.


WOD: “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭1:18‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Isaiah was describing the bright red dye obtained from the eggs of a small insect. Clothes would be double-dyed in this bright red so the color became fixed. Neither rain nor washing would remove it. Sin is like that. No human effort can take it away. It’s rooted in the heart.  Thankfully God sent his son, who would take away the sins of the world! Amazing to me that his red blood would wash away our sins.  Remember as the snow falls that we have been made as white as snow through forgiveness that came from the father! 


tanya Harding’s might need to be a thing, to replace Nancy Kerrigan! Let’s figure that out!

Snips and Audit came in fashionably late on 2 wheels, but at least they came! (Cough ahem, Friar, cough)

Crowd pleasars are miserable

rooney has a great kick!

Audit cheats when pyramid counting.

Woody is a scholar and a gentleman, he loaned me a ‘boggin!

Grout is quite the ball handler

i think everyone made the backblast! Even the absent Friar!

And just like that the snow dance was done!



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