Warm UP

We stretched while we talked about feelings and just how cute our outfits looked.

Lets Mosey.

Lights on.

Even though I specifically requested everyone wear reflective gear, did anyone listen?  Well Friar did and that is it.  My dark blue shirt was visible from like 5 feet away.

We ran up Powell street.  Which starts off with a nice long slow hill that gets you heart going.  Spokes knew where we were going.

We get to the dreaded Aquatics Hill.  We all know where this is headed.  Baby Face and Spokes run up the hill like nothing Friar and I hold down the back.  (Did i mention Friar did a pre run for a run)

Now we head to Friars worst nightmare.  A dark trail full of roots, rocks and walnuts.

We run the small loop of the Zacks Fork Trail.

Thousands of glowing spider eyes watched as we ran through the dark woods.

Back down the Aquatics Hill while the swimmers are on there way to practice.

Back down Powell street to AO.  (Is that the correct term?)

I had 3.41 miles.

Word if the day was from an Interview with Aaron Gwin.  Watch from 6 minute 50 seconds to about the 8 minute mark.  Even better watch the whole thing .  Aaron is the man.


Baby Face does not like Spiders.

I was probably more nervous about Friar turning an ankle then he was.




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