5am post to group text… Goodwill: “I’m not gonna be able to make it guys sorry. Really not feeling well this morning. Group Q” As men (loving God and being here in F3 to grow closer to Him), when a Q texts at 5AM he’s not well, we pray for […]
We had a few PAX do 6 miles and a few PAX do 5+. Either way it was a great morning with some good conversation and fellowship. Route- Around Corinth in front of LHCC. Right onto 6th and follow 5th St. NW to Hutton Estates. Run through Hutton left back […]
Tried to come up with something different than I normally do because I have this neighbor (who probably wont read this) who gives me grief about having to do everything in order and repeats. So for my plan to work I needed to either have an even number or a multiple of […]