QIC:  Woody

This is my first solo BB so be gentle!

Warm up

SSH 15 count in cadence

Humpies same

LAC ditto

Grab a block aka burden. Mosey to lot across from PD

4x4s plus 1 lap repeat 4xs

Pick up burden mosey to lot behind brewery (no sampling at 5:15) Freddie Mercury 10ct climb the wall FM 9ct so forth and so on. Remember burden!

Mosey to lot across the street oh yeah lay down burden at each PS. Bear crawl to other end of lot approx 50yds do 10 LBCs then Crab walk back what felt like 2 miles 10 more LBCs. Pick it up again.

Mosey to AO then with burden in hand do 5 squats 5 curls 5 overhead press. Lay down your burden for wall work. 15 Muhammad Ali, 15 George Foreman, 15 Bus Drivers, 15 Wonder Bras.

Word of the day.

Just like the blocks aka burdens we tend to lay our burdens down and pick them right back up again the Bible plainly tells us we shouldn’t do this. Once we give them to God to deal with we should do just that! We as men and leaders should be willing and able to bear each others burdens from our Ms to our 2.0s and a huge burden for the lost. God Bless America this day after the 4th. Peace out



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