QIC:  Spokes

22 June 2018 at 0515

Temperature 66.2, Dewpoint the same, 100% Humidity, Wind Calm, Fog

It was a foggy but humid morning at the Infinity AO.  YHC had sent out a PreBlast earlier in the week noting that YHC had purchased a coupon and was wanting the PAX to turn out in full force to enjoy the purchase.  Well, they did Post and in great F3 Lenoir style it rounded out the double digits at ten.  Here is how it went down.

Warm Up (IC and varied counts)

SSH, Windmills, Slumpies, LBAC Forward, Overhead hand claps, LBAC Reverse

Now time for the unveiling of the coupon…a 40′ battle rope!

Each PAX took hold of the rope and in single file fashion we left the AO and headed north on the Greenway in a 10 minute/mile pace Mosey.  Within a few moments the mumble chatter started, “I don’t like this as I am too close”, “I’m going to run somewhat beside you”…and so on and so forth…

We made several attempts at switching arms, holding the rope out from our sides.  We stopped about halfway around the big loop and left the rope straight on the Greenway.  Each PAX started in a Plank position and walked their hands over the rope and back.  This was done in cadence to a count of 30.  We picked back up the rope and continued on the big loop.

YHC led the PAX (running pace continued, along with the mumble chatter) to the small loop where we looped to the left toward the shelter and made it almost to the parking lot at Sherlee St. however the rear PAX decided (that would be Babyface) they would initiate an Indian Run.  Little did they know that YHC already had this in the plan; just not at that time.  We stopped at the Sherlee St. parking lot and once again laid the rope straight on the asphalt.  Each PAX was instructed to Power Jump across the rope from standing on one foot and landing on the opposite foot.  Thanks Rooney for showing us the power of a great soccer workout.  The PAX continued this OYO at a count of 15 per leg.

Once again YHC led the PAX (running pace continued) around the back side of the small loop and along Lower Creek back towards the AO.  We made another stop along the way for another station.  This time the PAX had to line up single file and follow the PAX in front by jumping with two feet across the rope from one end to the other and then run to the back of the line.  This continued for a circuit of four.

We picked up the rope and continued our run pace back to the AO.  Once passed the AO, the planned Indian Run commenced.  This occurred almost the entire front stretch of the big loop.  Tons of laughter was heard as we went as singles then pairs then tried not to choke the PAX behind, etc.

With 8 minutes to spare, got to love the gift of time, we continued our run and completed the big and small loop and made it back to the AO in time for the COT.  Friar even had time to grab a group photo op (Twin was heard saying he was doing a duck face, not sure if this showed up in the photo or not) of the PAX in action with the battle rope.  On the final stretch of the big loop, 1/3 of the PAX let go of the rope in order to chase Double Bogey #machine back to the AO.

When the checkered flag had been passed we had completed our first rope RAM and 3.08 miles.  I’m pleased with the PAX’s enthusiasm to try something new to F3 Lenoir.


Matthew 28: 16-20 (MSG)

16-17 Meanwhile, the eleven disciples were on their way to Galilee, headed for the mountain Jesus had set for their reunion. The moment they saw him they worshiped him. Some, though, held back, not sure about worship, about risking themselves totally.

18-20 Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.”

As part of the definition of Sanctification and being set apart or made Holy we can’t remain in the world and complete the Great Commission of making disciples.  We have to know that Christ promised to be with us and that we had to be totally committed to being set apart.


As noted above there was tons of mumble chatter.

PBR was seen eating the rope in Friar’s photo…no stairs at the Greenway. #pbreatsstairsforbreakfast

Babyface would not make it in Goodwill’s classroom as he can’t follow directions and thinks rules are like the points in Whose Line is it Anyway…they are made up and they don’t matter.

The race to the finish by some didn’t mean that the rope came back empty handed…just not a single file finish #gladnoonegotredrovered

Next time we will do a Tug of War

Spokes Out!





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