QIC:  Patti Mayo

Another beautiful morning at the Mount today! YHC pulled a Powder and set up  pre-run for this morning….and rolled over to see that it was 4:55…..which is when the pre-run starts….WHOOPSY!! I’m pretty sure my alarm went off but obviously the details of what happened this morning with the alarm are questionable..the more I think about it, the more I kinda remember it going off but who knows.  YHC missed the pre run but did manage to get to the workout so I guess it wasn’t a full Powder where you miss the pre run and the workout, it was just a Pow.  ANYWAYS!!!




And here’s how it went…

Warm-o-rama- The yoush- SSH, ATT, LAC, Humptys…  Daphne brought an FNG, though it would be funny to scare the crap out of him and call a fake shotgun start with 50 burpees and then 100 pullups oyo.  Called the burpees, did about four, said j/k and started to mosey…..jokes on the fng anyways cause we don’t have a pull up bar r anything similar at the mount!!

We moseyed over to the bottom of the hill that leads up to the Wal (which is what the cool Mount kids cll Walgreens…not really just me, fingers crossed that it’ll catch on) for an upper body hill suck-o-ladder. 1 wide arm merkin at the bottom, 9 reg. merkins at the top…you get it. Keep going till you’ve reversed the curse! 10 count, mosey to block pile, grab a block and up to the back side of the Wal (see earlier refrence!).  Meat of the thang…

Since Flamer and I are probably the only 2 in hky f3 nation that know the world cup is happening  right now, YHC decided to do a themed beat down this morning. Start at the back of the Wal, do 20 reps of each exercise on the board, after each exercise you take a lap around the Wal before you start the next one…old school..true blue F3 beatdown style.

W- WW 2 Situps

O- Over Head Press

R- Ranger Merkins

L- Lunges

D- Decline Merkins

C- Curls-4-Gurls

U- Upright Rows

P- Peter Parkers

F- Friggin Burpees (had to sneak those in some how)

I- Imperial Storm Troopers

F- Flutter Kicks

A- American Hammers (with block)

After we finished back to block pile to deposit blocks and mosey back to flag.

COT- We talked about what it means to be a real man of God and a leader in your family and community.

We’ve had 3 fng’s in the last week and a 1/2 at the mount…Welcome Reading Rainbow, Boss Hawg, and Flex Seal.

Side bar..I realize that its FIFA World Cup, but YHC didn’t think there was going to be enough room for that on the cardboard; turns out there was….

Love you guys, Always a pleasure…

Patti Out



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